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Application Support for Alliance Billing Inc.

Software Vendor: Alliance Billing Inc.
Application Versions: Agents Express™ Editions - FREE, IMAGE, and ENTERPRISE
If you need help with installing this database engine, Goldstar Software does provide installation and upgrade services via the Internet. See our Installation Services page for more details.

The Agents Express application from Alliance Billing Inc. requires the use of the Pervasive PSQL v9 or Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 database engine to safely store its data. This database engine has a long (25-year!) history of providing high-performance, low-administration data access to applications across almost every vertical market, and it works well with these applications.

Installation of the database engine is easy -- insert the CDROM or download the trial from the Pervasive web site, follow the prompts, then reboot. Most companies do their own installations, but you can opt to have a third party provide install services for you, if you wish.

For pricing on the database engine, please refer to our price list for Pervasive PSQL v10 or contact Goldstar Software for an exact quote. When ordering, please be sure to indicate that you are an Alliance Billing Inc. customer to help ensure that we get you the correct package. At the current time, we can provide either the physical package (including a CDROM with the license key) or the electronic package (license key only). For users capable of downloading the trial our web site, the electronic licenses provide for faster installation savings on shipping costs.

Important Note: The newer PSQLv10 database engine requires a computer running Windows 2000 or higher, including Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, and Windows Vista. If you have older computers running Windows 95, 98, Me, or Windows NT, you will need to upgrade the system first.

  • Installation Document for PSQLv10: Our Installation Document is specifically designed to help Alliance Billing users get the software installed quickly and easily.
  • Download 10-Day Evaluation License of Pervasive PSQL Summit v10: This link allows you to download a 10-day evaluation license of the Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 database engine.
    • Agents Express™ FREE Edition users need to obtain the single-user Workgroup Engine.
    • Agents Express™ IMAGE and ENTERPRISE Edition users will need the Workgroup Engine for Single-User configurations, and the Client/Server Engine for Multi-User configurations. Please note that the trial download is a 6-User license, but many larger license counts are also available.

There are three points of interest:

  1. Installation Tip: Some systems may have problems with the Client Cache Engine feature of PSQLv10. After installation, you should disable the Client-Side Cache feature by following these steps from each computer on your network:
    • Start the Pervasive Control Center (Start/Run/PCC.EXE)
    • On the left hand side, click the plus signs for Pervasive.SQL Engines, your workstation, Configuration, and Client. (PSQL9 users open the "Microkernel Setup" item instead.)
    • Click on the entry for "Performance Tuning".
    • On the right side of the window, Change "Use Cache Engine" to OFF.
    • Click OK, then close the PCC and save your changes.
    • You should now restart your computer to ensure that the changes take effect.
  2. Status Code 161: If you are getting a Status 161 (Licensing Error) after installing Pervasive, then your trial license may be expired, or your database license may not be properly applied. Use the Pervasive License Administrator (which you'll find in the Start/Programs/Pervasive programs group) to verify your license count on the workstation (or server, for server engines). If the license is showing as "Temporary" and it has expired, contact us to purchase a permanent license.
  3. Is Pervasive PSQL v9 supported on Windows Vista? Windows Vista adds a whole new level to the security game. See the Pervasive/Vista white paper for more details.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!
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