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+ Actian Zen v15
+ Actian Zen v14
+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
+ Pervasive.SQL 2000i
+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
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Mailing List and Web Site User Accounts

The information collected by our web site is exclusively for our internal use and will not be resold to any other company. In fact, it is quite possible that even WE will never use it. You do not need to provide anything more than basic contact information (i.e. Email address and first name). Other data fields, while helpful in knowing our customers' locations throughout the world, are not required and may be omitted.

If you sign up for our mailing list, you will receive the Goldstar Software Meteor -- our newsletter that covers events of the day in the environments we support, including Actian (PSQL and other products), Carbonite (Availability and other products), and others. Note that the Meteor is not on a regular schedule, but we rarely send more than two messages per month, unless some very unusual things are happening in our universe.

If you sign up for our PSQL Tech Tip series, you will receive one new Email every "Tech Tip Tuesday" which will give you some tips on using the PSQL database and its tools.

Of course, you can always change your delivery preferences or delete your account completely at any time.


We are committed to respecting your privacy and recognize your need for protection of the personal information you shared with us. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, share, disclose and safeguard personal information in connection with operating our business, engaging with visitors and customers, and marketing to and communicating with you. It also identifies the choices available to you regarding the handling of your information.


Effective May 25, 2018, we extended our commitment to your privacy and data security by integrating changes prescribed by the EU GDPR legal framework. This includes the following changes:

  • Assuring customer access to a full explanation of how and why we use cookies and other information we collect about you and the choices and controls available to you.
  • Alerting all users of about our use of cookies and allowing you to confirm your acceptance of this use.
  • Ensuring that the companies we work with to process transactions and ensure a smooth and efficient shopping experience are also taking steps to upgrade their policies and practices to give visitors and customers greater understanding of how they use information and more control over how this information is used.
  • Requiring a dual opt-in process prior to sending out marketing, promotion and informational emails, other than those that are required for the safe completion and recording of a transaction.

Collected Information

We may collect IP and e-mail address (where possible) of visitors to our web site, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey and promotion-related information, and/or site registrations. This information is used to improve the content and functionality of our website. It is also used to notify you of site updates and new product offerings. If you choose to visit our shopping site (, we may ask you to provide information for ordering products. For your convenience, we maintain a record of this information, as well as all products that you purchase.

We use cookies to store visitor preferences, record session information and to remember things for you such as your login information, recent page views and shopping cart. You have the right and ability to refuse to accept cookies. Please see our Cookie Policy for further details.

Using Collected Information

We use the information we collect for various purposes, including to:

  • complete your purchase transactions
  • provide the services you request
  • send you offerings and news by e-mail
  • keep you informed about the status of your orders
  • identify your product and service preferences
  • notify you of changes in status of products you have purchased
  • improve our merchandise selections, customer service, and your overall shopping experience
  • analyze web site performance

Sharing of Collected Data

We do not make e-mail addresses available to other organizations to contact you, other than those directly working with us to process your orders or to provide additional support under your direction. We will not use your telephone number for any purpose other than to contact you regarding your order or inquiry.

Retaining Collected Data

We will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes set out when collecting your personal data or as required by relevant laws and regulations. The criteria we use to determine data retention periods includes the following:

  • Retention in case of queries: We may retain your personal data for a reasonable period after you have contacted us about products, services or solutions, in case of follow up queries from you.
  • Retention in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements: We will consider whether we need to retain your personal data after the period of retention in the case of queries (above) because of a legal or regulatory requirement. Some or all of these criteria may be relevant to retention of your personal data collected from you in connection with our products, services, solutions and/or your use of the web site.
  • Retention permitted under applicable law: We will continue to retain personal data where necessary to provide our services to you and the retention of such personal data if necessary for the purposes of pursuing our legitimate interests or where it is necessary for public interest purposes.

Credit Card Data

Goldstar Software's Shopping Site ( uses SSL (Secure Socket Layering) to protect your information as it travels over the Internet. In addition, our website is designed to only accept orders from web browsers that permit SSL communication. This means that you will not inadvertently place an order through an unsecured connection.

Changing our Privacy Policy

We may, from time to time, make changes to these policies. When we make a significant change, we may contact you directly or highlight this change on our website. Please monitor this page for changes.

Third-Party Components

Some third-party components are in use on this site, including, but not limited to, components from Facebook, Google, or These components may leverage cookies or other tracking components. If you are worried about any of these, please disconnect now and work with us via telephone only.


Some pages may not be compatible with screen readers due to formatting. Please call us for additional information if needed.

Contacting Us

If you have further questions regarding Goldstar Software's Privacy or Security policies, please contact us. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

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