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 Version Quick-Reference Chart
+ Actian Zen v16
+ Actian Zen v15
+ Actian Zen v14
+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
+ Pervasive.SQL 2000i
+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
+ Btrieve 6.15

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If you are looking for help with your Btrieve, Pervasive PSQL, Actian PSQL or Actian Zen database engine, then you've come to the right place. If you need help, please use the online chat pop-up window in the lower right corner of your browser window. If this shows that we are "Online", then we are in the office and are ready to help right away. If it shows us as Offline, please leave us an Email message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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(Disclaimer: Our wizard is not all that smart right now, but we will make him smarter and smarter as we collect real-world test data from real-world problems!)

If you have an older version, please read our support policy on products which have been discontinued by Actian Corporation (formerly Pervasive Software), such as Btrieve 6.15, Pervasive.SQL 7, Pervasive.SQL 2000i, Pervasive.SQL V8, Pervasive PSQL v9, Pervasive PSQL Summit v10, Pervasive PSQL v11, Actian PSQL v12, and Actian PSQL v13!

For free E-mail based support, send your question to the user "support" at or use the link in the upper-right corner of your browser. Free Support is provided on a time-available basis, so questions may take a day or two to be answered.

You can also check out our downloads or white papers for utilities or information on specific topics.

Users requiring telephone, dial-in, or on-site support must have a valid support contract. Contact Goldstar Software for additional details. You can also find details on our support contracts and fees here.

Our on-line, searchable PSQL Support Knowledgebase is available on the web to companies purchasing a yearly subscription. This knowledgebase is the same one that we use internally, which is being constantly updated in-house. These updates are posted to the KB web site once per quarter, providing you with access to our extensive support database at any time of the day or night! Click HERE to go to the Knowledgebase!

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