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Pervasive.SQL 7 Product Information

First Customer Ship:January, 1998
End of General Availability:January 1, 2002
End of Support:January 1, 2002

Goldstar Software will continue to provide services for and to support this product release for as long as we can, and will sell licenses only while we still have them in stock. Of course, we do urge all Pervasive.SQL 7 users to begin migration plans to a newer release.

The bundling of the Btrieve 7 and Scalable SQL 4 engines into Pervasive.SQL 7 was a great idea, not only from the marketing side, but for the end-users as well. The ability to eliminate the Scalable SQL 3.01 engine from the ODBC drivers helped to thin out the workstation-side components and center the load on the server, where memory and CPU horsepower are plentiful.

The Pervasive.SQL 7 engines also allow for a high level of backward compatibility for applications based on the Btrieve API or ODBC/SSQL. While the Btrieve 7 engine is almost perfectly backward compatible with 6.15 at the Btrieve API level, some Scalable SQL 3.01 API-based applications may not execute properly on Scalable SQL 4, so testing is strongly recommended. Also, some customized ODBC-based applications may require updated code or data definition files (DDF's) for proper access.

Pervasive.SQL 7 was available in a client/server model for both Novell NetWare and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, and supports access from DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 9x, Windows NT, and OS/2 clients.

Pervasive.SQL 7 is available as a workstation engine. This engine, unlike the Btrieve 6.15 engine, can NOT be used in a peer-to-peer configuration, since it internally restricts access to one engine only. If you need multi-user access, you must leverage the client/server engine, or look towards newer database engine versions.

While Pervasive Software (now Actian) no longer sells this product, we do have a limited number of licenses still available. Look at our price list for more details, or you can BUY IT NOW from our on-line store.

For patches to the Pervasive.SQL 7 product, select from the options below. These links will take you to Pervasive's FTP site, where the downloads can still be found.

  1. If you have any version before Service Pack 3, you MUST patch to Service Pack 3 FIRST.
  2. Once you have Service Pack 3, you can patch to Service Pack 5 NEXT.
  3. Once you have Service Pack 5, you can apply Service Pack 6 LAST.

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[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 Service Pack 6...

[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 Service Pack 5...

[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 Service Pack 4...

[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 Service Pack 3...

[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 Service Pack 2...

[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 Service Pack 1...

[+] Pervasive.SQL 7 (FCS)...

[+] Frequently Asked Questions About Pervasive.SQL 7...

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If you have additional questions about the product, please contact us!

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