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+ Actian Zen v16
+ Actian Zen v15
+ Actian Zen v14
+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
+ Pervasive.SQL 2000i
+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
+ Btrieve 6.15

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Actian Community Edition Downloads

Actian has a special version of the engine known as the Community Edition. Commonly just for Linux configurations and not maintained beyond the initial installation, this completely FREE database engine can be used for internal use.

You should review the complete EULA (provided in the download), but here is the applicable section:

2.5 Actian Zen Community Edition License Grant. Conditioned on Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, if You have properly received the Actian Zen Edition Software, Actian grants to You a nonexclusive, nontransferable, nonsublicensable and revocable right to use the Actian Zen Edition Software that is limited to a single user for Your internal business purposes. Notwithstanding Section 8 below, the Actian Zen Community Edition is provided to You on an AS IS basis, and Actian hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and noninfringement.

Goldstar Software provides these downloads exclusively for application developers who have purchased Actian products from our firm. If you obtained your Zen license from another source, please see the Actian web page for more information about downloading the Community Edition components.

Please Login to your account to access these downloads.

All downloads are subject to the included EULA and come with documentation on how to uninstall, should you install it by mistake.

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