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+ Actian Zen v16
+ Actian Zen v15
+ Actian Zen v14
+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
+ Pervasive.SQL 2000i
+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
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Actian Zen or Btrieve v12 Developer Jump Start Program

Quickly Migrate to Actian Zen/PSQL or Btrieve v12

Do you have an old application that hasn't been tested with newer versions of Actian PSQL/Zen or Btrieve v12 yet? If so, then you need to be aware that all of the older versions of the database engine have been discontinued by Actian and are getting harder to find. Currently, the supported versions are Actian PSQL v13, Actian Zen v14, and Actian Zen v15.

NOW is the right time to make your move to Zen v15, and Goldstar Software is here to help!

Whether you are running an older Btrieve 6.x environment or one of the newer versions, testing your application on a new database environment can be a daunting task. You need to set up a test server, install the database engine, test your application, and document any changes or fix any problems -- all while continuing to run your business.

Luckily, Goldstar Software can provide the resources that you need. We can get you started on the path to Zen v15 support, either working remotely or by traveling to your location to work directly with your staff in your office. Our special Jump Start program provides the following:

  • Installation of Actian Zen v15: We install Zen v15 onto your test server and configure it for optimal performance. We also provide information and guidelines to your own installation staff for doing your customer installations, too.
  • Initial Application Install and Testing: We work with you to get your own application installed and configured. We work together on the basic connectivity, ensuring that the application gets up and running properly, and if any issues arise, we will help address them right away for the least amount of head-banging on your part. When this is completed, you'll have a running system that can be used for complete application-level testing.
  • Developer Update Session: Ever wonder what's new with Actian Zen v15 from the developer perspective? We can sit down with your development staff to review all of the recent changes in the PSQL/Zen engine and the updates to the various application programming interfaces (API's), so that they can decide which features can be used within your application. If needed, we can even help prototype new features within your application, or review the performance of existing code. In some cases, we've been able to provide advice to developers that led to 10x (and higher) performance gains with minimal changes!
  • Service & Support Training: We'll provide a condensed version of our Zen Service & Support training class, with sections specifically designed for your sales staff, installers, developers, and support technicians. While the class is normally 3 days, we can shrink it down to 2 days or expand it as needed to cover the parts which apply to your environment, including basic database concepts, licensing, installation and tuning, troubleshooting, and SQL data access.
  • (Optional) User Upgrades: We have the ability to provide services direct to your end users, working with them directly to provide Zen v15 licenses and installation services. By allowing us to do what we do best, you can continue to do what YOU do best -- concentrate on your application development!

Contact us to discuss your particular needs and tailor a plan to your exact specifications!


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