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+ Actian Zen v16
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+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
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+ Pervasive.SQL 7
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Network Troubleshooting Services

Many of the Btrieve status codes that sites receive are caused by network communication failures. This accounts for over 50 percent of all chronic problems. Many of these problems can remain hidden to the average user, festering for years until a Btrieve application starts to show the issue.

Network troubleshooting is where Goldstar Software truly provides added value. Of course, working over the phone or via E-mail can only provide a limited examination of the system. When the problem is actually in the network itself, it is imperative to have on-site capabilities to track it down.

Many people have asked us WHY Btrieve has problems when the rest of the network seems just fine. The answer is fairly simple -- Btrieve operates at the transport layer of the network, which has only limited capabilities for error detection and retries. Many of the common file and print architectures run at the application layer of the network, where there is much more possibility to detect and correct errors as they occur. Networks which have "running fine" will often get a noticeable performance improvement when the Btrieve problem is solved, because it will help the rest of the system to run clean as well. See our Status 95 FAQ for a discussion of common problems, especially on NetWare servers.

Goldstar Software has the needed tools to come to your site and analyze the underlying network to determine the source of the problem. In addition, we can provide the necessary information to in-house networking staff so that they can actually locate the problems and correct them in the future, without the need for outside assistance.

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