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+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
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+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
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Third-Party Downloads

Goldstar Software has produced many tools over the years to help support PSQL environments. For a complete list of all of our own tools, click HERE.

Certain other important downloads have been obtained from other sources, and these can sometimes come in real handy. This page contains the list of third party tools available from our web site for your convenience. See the README file contained with each download for more information on the download file.

Btrieve File Utilities:

BUTIL5 Download Pervasive
  • This file contains the old Btrieve 5.x version of BUTIL for DOS. It is useful for rebuilding files or exporting data from developer-supplied databases where the developer failed to re-distribute this utility.
BUTIL7 Download Pervasive
  • This file contains the Btrieve 7.x version of BUTIL for DOS. It is useful for rebuilding files or exporting data from developer-supplied databases where the developer failed to re-distribute this utility. It should function correctly on older engines.

PSQL Management Utilities:

AutoBackup Download Jorge Besada
  • AutoBackup contains a VBScript application that can be easily customized to obtain scheduled backups of database files. This is a poor-man's backup product, combining the use of continuous operations AND the file copy all in one process.
KeepOne Download Jorge Besada
  • KeepOne provides a way to continually disconnect users from the PSQL database, except for one authorized user. This can be very helpful when rebuilding files or performing other database maintenance. Also includes Jorge's ListUser utility which dumps a list of connected user names to a file.
PVSW Download Pervasive Software
  • The PVSW.EXE Support Tool Box allows you to management the old Pervasive environments by viewing your configuration, removing SAT Entries, or even installing the WGE as a Service.
DDFCONV Download Pervasive Software
  • DDFConv.ZIP contains a file that used to be provided by Pervasive, called CNVDDF.EXE, along with a Word document that explains how to convert your DDF's from an older Scalable SQL 3 format to the current format. Support for this tool from Actian is limited. Please have a backup available before using it!

Programming Utilities:

DTIDEF Download Mauro Cosentino Borgese
  • This VB6 source code (which will likely work on other VB versions as well) contains the module definitions for the Distributed Tuning Interface (DTI). It does not appear to be complete, but it is a good kick-start to VB developers looking to create DTI-based applications.

SQL Data Dictionary Utilities:

SQLScope Download Freeware
  • This file contains the Shareware SQLScope utility, rewritten for ODBC to work under Pervasive.SQL 2000i and Pervasive.SQL V8 database engines. This is NOT a Goldstar Software Utility, but rather one created by one of our customers who wanted to make it available to others. Please see the README for more information.

DOS Command Line Utilities:

DIRP Download Jack J Forman
  • Ever try to find a file in your PATH? Wonder where WBTRCALL.DLL is loading from? DIRP will tell you very quickly.
FIXFILE Download Everyware
  • This DOS utility is really a full Hex editor -- useful for viewing & editing files!
LIST Download Vernon D. Buerg
  • This file viewer for DOS quickly displays files in ASCII or Hex. A useful tool for viewing raw Btrieve data!

NetWare Utilities:

TURBOD2 Download Novell
  • This updated file contains the Turbo FAT Cache disabler for NetWare 4.10, 4.11/4.2, 5.x, and 6.x. This file is also available from Novell's web site. It supercedes the files TURBOD, NW5TURBO, and TURBOD2.
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