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Goldstar Software Utilities: SQLExec

Command-Line SQL Command Executor & Exporting Tool
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SQLExec is a Win32 command-line application that accepts SQL statements or script files and executes each statement in the ODBC environment, on any accessible database server. Originally written for supporting command-line access to Pervasive.SQL, it can also be used on other ODBC databases, and has been tested in both Oracle and SQL Server environments.

SQL query statements are executed directly from the command line or from a script file, and the results are displayed as either fixed or delimited text (with many delimiter options built in). A header row can be included if needed, and trailing blanks in fields can automatically be truncated as well. The results can easily be redirected to a file for quick data exports, as well.

Since SQLExec supports running DDL statements as well as query statements, SQLExec is a very easy way for developers to script their application installation so that it automatically creates database files on-site, eliminating the need to ship populated DDF's and data files. (Note: Developers using PSQLv9 or newer may also wish to try out the free PVDDL tool included with the database.)

SQLExec also supports basic INSERT statement capabilities, so you can use it to load comma-delimited data into a data file as well as run other processes.

As a command line tool, SQLExec can easily be scheduled by any command scheduler (such as AT or SCHTASKS, included with most operating systems. This allows you to execute stored procedures or SQL-based reports or extracts on a timed basis.

SQLExec can be purchased as a single-user license or as a LAN site license. We can also provide licensing information for developers if you are interested in including SQLExec within your application for use for initializing databases or performing other maintenance tasks. Click the links above, or contact us for more details!

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