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Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 Product Information

PSQLv10 Box
First Customer Ship:September 18, 2007
End of General Availability:March 31, 2011
End of Support:March 1, 2012

Click For Product Data Sheet

Pervasive PSQL v10 offers many improvements over its predecessors, including numerous SQL syntax enhancements, a new cache (called Xtreme I/O) to improve 32-bit server performance, and a new 64-bit engine to provide native 64-bit support on newer hardware and operating system platforms.

Pervasive PSQL v10 also marks the end of the line for some users, including those sites running NetWare as a server operating system, sites running native DOS workstations, sites running Windows 98/Me or older, and sites running old 16-bit Windows applications.

Want more details? Get Pervasive's formal Product Comparison Guide to see what else has changed since PSQLV8 and PSQLv9.

Some of the application vendors we work with have already tested the Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 update and are working to fully support this new release! Others are still in the evaluation phase. If you are not sure, check our Application Support pages or contact your application vendor directly.

Pricing can be found on our Pervasive PSQL v10 price list, or you can BUY IT NOW from our on-line store. If you want to try it out before you buy it (a really good idea!), you can get a downloadable license of PSQLv10 from here. You may also wish to consider Actian PSQL v12, Actian PSQL/Zen v13, or Actian Zen v14 as options, too.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Pervasive has made MAJOR changes to the product licensing. This makes the licensing work differently for PSQLv10.00, PSQLv10.10 and higher, PSQLv10.13 and higher, and PSQLv10.20 and higher, and PSQLv10.30 and higher. Ideally, this will NOT impact end users, as your reseller will ensure that you get the right product for your own use. However, with the changing rules on each new product release, even veteran resellers are having a hard time staying on top of the issues. Please review our Pervasive PSQL v10 License Primer and our PSQLv10 License Change FAQ page before purchasing!

Before upgrading, please read through this list of important changes if you move to PSQLv10:

  • Cost: This is a paid upgrade for existing users. New users implementing a Pervasive application, however, will be pleased to know that the PSQLv10 pricing is the SAME as the old pricing for PSQLv9!
  • Changes: Nobody likes changes, and this system has plenty. Microsoft Vista compliance dictates that the default locations of key files, exe's, DEMODATA, and other items must move, in some cases to invisible directories. This will make dealing with computer-illiterate users a lot more "exciting", but makes the 18-page Vista White Paper a thing of the past.
  • Testing: Like most prior versions, it will probably takes some database developers a few months to get their application tested and approved on Pervasive PSQL Summit v10. If your developer has not yet announced support for this engine, we recommend that you specifically ask them about it. Otherwise, you may need to do some testing on your own. Because of the high level of backward compatibility that Pervasive still retains, we expect no problems with Btrieve-level applications at all!
  • Novell NetWare Support: Yes, it finally happened -- NetWare is no longer a supported server platform. If you are running an older NetWare server, you'll need to be staying on PSQLv9 indefinitely (or at least until you can upgrade to Linux or (egads) Windows. Check out our NetWare Support page for more information.
  • Windows Workstation Versions: You knew this was coming too -- support for Native DOS 6.22 workstations, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows NT has been terminated. If you have ANY Windows 9x/ME computers left, it's time to upgrade! If you have DOS applications, they will still work, but ONLY on the current Win32 platforms, as BREQUEST/BREQNT are all gone now. Of course, you probably shouldn't be running that old stuff, anyway. Also, Windows 2000 machines must be patched to SP4, and Windows XP machines must be patched to SP2, BEFORE installing PSQLv10!
  • 16-Bit Applications: With 64-bit applications right around the corner, why are you still running archaic 16-bit applications? If you are, then you'll be on PSQLv9 indefinitely with the NetWare users, as there is NO Win16 client with this release. You MUST be in a Win32 or Win64 environment to use PSQLv10. If you MUST run Win16 applications, then please Contact Pervasive Software at 1-800-BTRIEVE! The more people who complain about this, the more likely they will revisit this decision. While you're on the phone with them, ask about the possibility of running the Win16 PSQLv9 client with the PSQLv10 engine.
  • Workgroup License Changes: In addition to having a higher price on the Workgroup Engine, Pervasive has announced changes in the way the Workgroup Licenses are handled, with new license counts and a new single-user license just to confuse you. This will make anyone maintaining a large collection of users on the Workgroup Engine go absolutely crazy. On the other hand, the confusion will drive more people to the more expensive server engines.

Not sure which license you need?

If you're not sure if you want the Workgroup Engine or the Server Engine, check out this comparison chart.

Supported Operating Systems and Hardware Requirements

Important Note: Officially supported operating systems include Windows XP, Vista, and 2000 through 2008.

There are no stated minimum hardware requirements. Essentially, if you can run the OS, you can run the database engine. However, performance will be commensurate with the resources provided, as well as the workload.

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[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.31 (Service Pack 3 Updates)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.30 (Service Pack 3)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.21 (Service Pack 2 Updates)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.20 (Service Pack 2)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.12/v10.13 (Service Pack 1 Updates)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.10 (Service Pack 1)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.01 (FCS Updates)...

[+] Pervasive PSQL v10.00 (FCS)...

[+] Frequently Asked Questions About Pervasive PSQL v10...

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If you have additional questions about the product, please contact us!

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