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Carbonite Products Can Protect Zen/PSQL Databases

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Opentext, formerly Carbonite, has built a solid business on protecting the data of companies and organizations around the globe, offering rock-solid migration and replication solutions which work extremely well with Zen/PSQL databases.

For more information on cyber resilience and why you should care about this today, check out this IDC eBook.

  • Replication and Disaster Recovery: For your mission-critical systems which require very little data loss and immediate recovery capability, OpenText Availability (formerly Carbonite Availability and Double-Take Availability) is your best solution. Availability provides continuous (near real-time) replication of your data to a hot stand-by server, providing a very low Recovery Point Objective (RPO). In the event of a system failure, the stand-by server is immediately ready to stand in for the primary server and take over all operations -- users only need to restart their application. This provides an extremely low Recovery Time Objective (RTO) as well. (The OS and database need to be separately licensed in this configuration, and for off-site or cloud-based stand-by solutions, some additional application configuration changes may be required as well.) For companies that don't have an existing, off-site data center, you may wish to consider OpenText Recover, as well, offering full server replication (only) to the OpenText Cloud.
  • Migration: For companies looking to migrate their mission-critical applications from one server environment to another, the OpenText Migrate (formerly Carbonite Migrate and Double-Take Move) solution makes the life of a system administrator SO much easier. The Migrate product wraps the patented data replication capability of Availability into a very low cost package for system migrations. This solution can provide near-zero downtime windows for drastic server moves, including SAN migration, virtual servers, cloud environments, and even entire data centers!
  • Cloud Backups for the Small Office: If you don't need the extra benefits of continuous replication, then a periodic backup may be sufficient for your data protection needs. OpenText offers automatic cloud backup solutions in varying levels, as well. Options include: Note that the links above will take you directly to the Carbonite Safe web site, and you would work with them directly for any purchase or support.
  • Cloud Backups for the Home: Do you need a low-cost backup solution for home use? Carbonite Safe offers automatic cloud backup solutions for single PC's in three different levels: Note that the links above will take you directly to the Carbonite Safe web site, and you would work with them directly for any purchase or support.
  • Full-Featured Local/Cloud Backups for the Business: There are many cases where a cloud backup simply will not do. Businesses often want substantially more control over their backup processes, they want a local copy of their critical data for performance reasons, and they want to be able to spin up a copy of their computers quickly in the event of a disaster or malware attack. Yes -- OpenText has you covered here, too!
    • OpenText Server Backup: Provides backups of 5-100+ physical or virtual servers, from 0.5-50TB of data, running Windows, Linux, VMWare, Oracle, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and iSeries, with optional local hardware and optional cloud failover capabilities.
    • OpenText Core Endpoint Backup: Provides backups of computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones running Windows, OSX, iOS, and Android to the cloud, providing a centrally-managed, policy-based backup to all your users (and especially the mobile workforce), with location tracking, remote wipe/restore capabilities, and more.
    • Carbonite Backup for Microsoft 365: Allows Carbonite to reach into your Microsoft 365 environment, providing a granular backup and recovery capability to all of your Microsoft cloud data.

Does all of this sound way too complicated? The myriad of choices can make it confusing, to be sure. However, we'll make it simple for you: Give us a call and we'll talk through your exact needs and help you find the best solution to meet those needs at the lowest price!

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