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Database Engine Crash Reporter

Let's face it, computer software is very complex and is created by fallable humans, so there are unfortunate times when things WILL break. This form was created to provide a data entry portal for database engine crashes so that you can see if others have been reporting similar issues. In collecting this data, we hope to provide feedback to Actian and our customers on any ongoing issues, and (hopefully) be able to spot trends related to software issues.

Please note that this is NOT an official Actian site. We are capturing data independently from a variety of end-user environments without Actian's input at this time, though we hope to be able to get them to take interest in our data to aid in troubleshooting these issues. If you have an urgent issue or hard crash that is recurring at your site, you may wish to contact Actian Support directly via Email at or phone at 800-BTRIEVE for assistance.

If you would like to report or look up a database engine crash, please complete the fields provided here based on the Windows Event Log screen for the reportred crash, which looks like the following:

Event Log Example

Faulting Application Name:.EXEExamples: NTDBSMGR, NTDBSMGR64, W3DBSMGR, etc.
Faulting Module Name:.DLLExamples: W64ODBCEI, W3ODBCEI, NTMKDE, W64NTMKDE, etc.
Module Version:Example:
Exception Code:Example: 0xC0000005
Fault Offset:Example: 0x0000000000091707

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