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Why Goldstar?

NovaBACKUP Solutions for PSQL Databases

IMPORTANT NOTE: NovaBACKUP recently changed their entire channel marketing practice and pricing structure.

Installing and running your database environment is only one piece of the business database environment -- you MUST also have a proper backup solution in order to sleep soundly at night. The first level of protection is the venerable backup. For smaller users of non-critical databases, periodic backups may provide all of the protection that you need.

With Actian PSQL/Zen databases, you can do backups during application downtime windows, or you can use the built-in Continuous Operations Mode feature of the database, as explained in our most popular white paper. However, managing backups can also be a chore for the small business owner. Luckily, this is something that is easily automated, which can save you time and aggravation.

Goldstar Software Inc. has used many different backup packages over the years, both internally and at our client sites. We have found an excellent line of backup solutions from NovaBACKUP Corporation that addresses the most common needs of the small business solution. The NovaBACKUP product line works seamlessly with the Pervasive/Actian PSQL/Zen database to obtain proper backups, and it is currently available through two different subscription licensing options, based on what you want to protect:

  • NovaBACKUP PC Agent: For protecting single workstations and laptops, with either 1TB or 2TB of cloud storage included.
  • NovaBACKUP Server Agent: For protecting Windows Server operating systems, with 250GB or more of cloud storage included.

Each of these solutions includes the following features:

  • Ability to Perform Full, Differential and Incremental Backups
  • Ability to Perform Disaster Recovery Backups, at NO EXTRA CHARGE
  • Ability to Perform DR Restores to Dissimilar Hardware, at NO EXTRA CHARGE
  • Target Support Including Tape, Disk, USB, DVD/CD, NAS, and More
  • Cloud Storage Included as Part of the Subscription
  • Compatability with Pervasive PSQL and Actian PSQL/Zen Databases
  • One Year of NovaCare Support inclding Telephone and Remote Support, as well as Product Upgrade Protection

Other resellers may have the ability to provide perpetual licenses for NovaBACKUP, if needed, that do not come with cloud storage. The subscription pricing that we are able to offer is cheaper on the front end, but you must renew annually in order to maintain your access to the software. However, by selecting this option, you will always be able to upgrade to the latest software release at any time, and your cloud storage will be available from anywhere.

Still not sure which solution is right for you? Contact us to discuss your exact needs so that we can find YOUR best solution.

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