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I Need Actian PSQLv13!

This page was created to help users quickly and easily download Actian Zen/PSQL v13 (Workgroup, Server, or Vx Server).

Not technical and would rather we handle this for you? See the last paragraph below for our Remote Installation Service.

STEP 1: Download the Trial and Patches

You must first download the PSQL v13 installer (30-day trial) and any patches from Actian's web site.

1. Click HERE for step by step instructions on how to navigate Actian's site to find your downloads.
2. Click HERE to go to Actian's web site to start the download. Now!
3. If you need help with Actian's download page, you might want to watch this video first:

STEP 2: Install the Trial and Patches

If you are doing a new install, then you must first install the trial package. Afterwards, you may apply any optional patches. If you are upgrading to PSQL v13 from an older version AND you have Backup Agent, AuditMaster or DataExchange installed, then you will need to manually uninstall these additional products BEFORE upgrading your PSQL engine.

1. Click HERE for Actian's documentation on Installing PSQLv13.
2. We have also created the following video that shows an entire installation of the PSQL v13 Workgroup Engine onto a Windows 10 computer.

STEP 3: Purchase your License

After you have installed the 30-day trial and know exactly what license you need, contact us to purchase your license, or order it online from our secure shopping site.

STEP 4: Install the License

If you are doing a new installation, then you should also install your PSQL license. Be sure to install the BASE license first, and any User Count Increase licenses (UCI's) second.

1. Click HERE to read how to install the PSQL License, as well as how to fix a 7224 error (insufficient rights).
2. Click HERE for Actian's Documentation on using the License Administrator.
3. Here is our video of activating a PSQL v12 License from the GUI on Windows 8. (We will try to update this for PSQL v13 shortly.)

4. If you experience a Status 7224 while authorizing your license, you may need to apply the license from the command line. Here's how to do it!

I don't know what all of this means! I need more help!

If you have a question about the Actian web site, their trial download or the patch installation, we recommend contacting Actian Corporation directly by calling 800-BTRIEVE (800-287-4383), selecting options for Zen Database Support, and then speaking with someone in their call center. (International users should find the closest contact point from Actian's web site.)

If you don't have an IT staff and would like someone to just handle this all for you, then Goldstar Software's Remote installation Service may be your easier option. For a flat rate ($250 for a Server Engine, $100 for a Workgroup Engine or Client), we will handle this entire process for you -- downloading, installing, and patching the engine, applying the license (if you have one), and even configuring and tuning the engine for your specific application. Contact us at 708-647-7665, via Email at, or order this service online to schedule your remote installation session today!

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