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+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
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Migrations Without Downtime

Consider the following questions:

  • Do you have migration projects, such as moving to a newer server operating system or from Physical to Virtual, filling up your to-do list?
  • Have you been putting off your migration projects because you think migration is too difficult?
  • Do you hate thinking about the testing requirements for your migration project?
  • Are you worried about how much downtime a migration project will require?
  • Are you worried about how much of YOUR time a migration project will require?

What if we told you that "migration" really isn't a dirty word, but rather that we can help with your migration needs, completing multiple migrations quickly and easily -- and most importantly -- cheaply?

This is not a pipe dream! Goldstar Software specializes in all things related to the Actian PSQL/Zen database, and our customers often need to migrate environments from one hardware or software platform to another with minimal downtime. We have the tools and the expertise to streamline the process, eliminate loads of stress on you, the system administrator. We have successfully helped our customers to:

  • Migrate from old hardware to new hardware
  • Migrate from physical to virtual machines
  • Migrate from virtual to physical machines
  • Migrate from Windows Server 2003 or 2008 to 2012, 2016, or 2019
  • Migrate from old PSQL database engines to new Zen database engines
  • Migrate from an old storage infrastructure to a new storage infrastructure or SAN

More importantly, we can perform these migrations with near-zero downtime, and at a very low cost! Do you wonder how we do it? Contact Bill Bach at Goldstar Software for more information about this solution!

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