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Backup Agent Product Information

Backup Agent Logo The Backup Agent tool provides you, the overworked application coordinator or database administrator, the ability to quickly enable the Continuous Operations mode on a database, ensuring easy, clean backups -- every time!

Already using Continuous Operations mode for backups? Keep right on using this free feature of the database! However, if you have never checked out this great capability to get clean backups within a 24x7 environment (or even mid-day backups), then you need to do check out our white paper on the topic for more detailed information.

Having done that, you'll now know the secret to clean backups without needing to kick users off the system. However, if you have had difficulty in creating or maintaining the list of files needed for Continuous Operations mode to work correctly, or if your database creates new files all the time that need to be properly backed up, or if you simply don't have the time nor interest in setting up and managing the Continuous Operations mode manually, then the new Backup Agent is for you!

The Backup Agent hooks into your PSQL database engine running on Windows or Linux (sorry, folks, no NetWare support) and locates the open files for you -- automatically. It also continuously monitors the database, watching for new files being opened. As the new files are opened, they are automatically placed into continuous operations mode. This ensures that ALL files from EVERY database can be captured with the exact same point-in-time snapshot!

With a list price of only $249, this product is a great bargain, and it has been an instant hit with sites of all sizes. With the safety of proper backups behind you, you'll be able to concentrate on more important issues -- like sleep, family, etc.!

The available versions of Backup Agent are v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v2.0, v3.0, v3.1, v3.2, v12, v13, v14, v15, and v16:

  • Backup Agent v1.0 is supported on Pervasive.SQL V8 Windows Server database engines only. Workgroup Engines are NOT supported at this time. This release has become completely unsupported as of December 31, 2006, but Goldstar Software can still provide v1.0 licenses and assistance working with it.
  • Backup Agent v1.1 is supported on Pervasive PSQL v9 server database engines only, but there is a version for Windows Servers AND one for Linux servers. (There is no Backup Agent for NetWare.) This release becomes unsupported as of October 1, 2010.
  • Backup Agent v1.2 is supported on Pervasive PSQL v10.00. This product currently works with 32-bit versions of PSQLv10.00 only. This version will NOT work on PSQLv10.10.
  • Backup Agent v2.0 was released in August 2008 and will work ONLY on Pervasive PSQL Summit v10.10 through v10.30. (It will NOT work on v10.00). There are 4 different versions, for Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, Linux 32-bit, and Linux 64-bit environments, so be sure to get the right version! If you buy the wrong one, Pervasive has no method of swapping it out (like the Bit-Switch or Cross-Platform Upgrades available for the engine) -- they will instead require you to buy a new copy! If you use the Pervasive PSQLv10.10 Workgroup Engine, you can now use Backup Agent as well! Get the Win32 version for use with the Workgroup Engine. This release has been discontinued as of November 1, 2011.
  • Backup Agent v3.0 was released in November 2010 and will work ONLY on Pervasive PSQL v11. The Backup Agent is available for Windows and Linux servers, and there is both a 32-bit and 64-bit implementation of this product, so you need to be sure about the platform and bit level when you order.
  • Backup Agent v3.1 works with Actian PSQL v11 or Actian PSQL Vx. It uses the same license key as v3.0, so you will not need to upgrade your BA license if you want to move to this release. Further, if you are running Actian PSQL Vx or PSQL v11 Service Pack 2 or newer, the license is included FREE with the database engine! If you want to use the Backup Agent with the Workgroup Engine, then this is the product for you.
  • Backup Agent v3.2 was released in March 2014 as an Update to BA3.1 for PSQL v11.
  • Backup Agent v12 is included free with Actian PSQL v12 Server or Actian PSQL Vx Server 12, and it can be purchased separately for PSQL v12 Workgroup.
  • Backup Agent v13 is included free with Actian PSQL v13 Server or Actian PSQL Vx Server 13, and it can be purchased separately for PSQL v13 Workgroup. NOTE: Actian discontinued BA for Workgroup on 08/16/2021. If you need to use Backup Agent for 24x7 operations, then you should purchase a Server Engine.
  • Backup Agent v14 is included free with Actian Zen v14 Enterprise Server or Actian Zen Cloud Server 14, and it can be purchased separately for Zen v14 Workgroup. NOTE: Actian discontinued BA for Workgroup on 08/16/2021. If you need to use Backup Agent for 24x7 operations, then you should purchase a Server Engine.
  • Backup Agent v15 is included free with Actian Zen v15 Enterprise Server or Actian Zen Cloud Server 15. Backup Agent for Zen v15 Workgroup is available separately, at the lowered list price of $195.
  • Backup Agent v16 is included free with Actian Zen v16 Enterprise Server. Backup Agent for Zen v16 Workgroup is available separately.

Users of Backup Agent v1.x can freely migrate to a newer version of 1.x as you upgrade your database engine. However, if you upgrade to PSQLv10.10 or higher, you will be required to get the Backup Agent v2.0 product. Users of PSQLv11 will REQUIRE an upgrade to Backup Agent v3. Actian has decided to NOT provide an upgrade path, so you'll need to purchase a whole new license if you upgrade your database engine. See the pricing chart for details. Contact Actian directly at 1-800-BTRIEVE if you would like them to consider changing this policy.

Contact Goldstar Software if you have additional questions!

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