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Application Support for CounterPoint V7

Software Vendor: Radiant Systems, now NCR
Application Name: CounterPoint
Application Version: V7

For application-specific support, please visit the Radiant Systems web site.

We received information from Radiant Systems (Barbara) regarding Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 support as of September 2, 2009:

At this time, the Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 database engine is not officially supported. However, we are looking into providing support for this database engine starting with version 7.5.17, due to be released this Fall.

Officially, their web site (as of the same date) does indicate support for Pervasive.SQL V8 and Pervasive PSQL v9, in both the Workgroup and Client/Server environments. It also lists limited support for Windows Vista workstations, and no indication of support for Windows Server 2008. We expect that when they test with PSQLv10, support for both Vista and 2008 will be added.

Please contact Radiant Systems directly for more information if you need it.

The following notes have been gleaned from previous interactions with this software:

  • It looks like CounterPoint may install itself into a SYN folder on the server. This folder can be moved in its entirety to another location.
  • CounterPoint is launched via the application icon. The default icon uses a drive letter to locate the SYN folder. Moving to a new location should be as easy as editing the Icon on the desktop and setting both the Start In and the Application path to the correct location.
  • Counterpoint uses database files with a .DAT file extension, located in a number of subdirectories with names like ARDATA, IMDATA, SYDATA, etc.
  • Our last encounter was able to successfully migrate a failing Windows NT Server running PSQLV8 onto a new Windows 7 environment running PSQL v11 Workgroup. The process was simple: Install and patch v11, move the SYN folder to C:\SYN on the workstation, and change the icon to point to C:\SYN. Everything else just worked!

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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