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Application Support for DacEasy Accounting

Software Vendor: Sage Software Inc.
Application Name: DacEasy
Application Version: 11, 25

The DacEasy Accounting software was previously owned by PeachTree, which was then purchased by Sage. Sage has since discontinued this product line and they recommend that you migrate the environment to Sage 50 (formerly known as PeachTree Accounting). They previously maintained a DacEasy Migration Resource Center web site for conversion questions, but that page now returns a 401 error, so click on the link above for a contact phone number to folow up if you have questions about migrating your database.

If you are not looking to change software, we have happily found that older versions of DacEasy seem to function just fine on modern equipment, including Windows Server 2008 R2. We did not do an exhauistive test, but the software does properly install and run in that environment.

From a database perspective, DacEasy used to ship with a 50-User license for the Pervasive.SQL 2000i Workgroup Engine, v7.90.230, which supports running either standalone or with multiple users accessing a common database server. However, we also noted that the PSQL 2000i engine was an incomplete copy, with none of the usual tools and utilities, except for the Gateway Locator. This makes it difficult to configure or troubleshoot the environment. While we have not tried it, we expect that a complete PSQL 2000i installation will work just fine with the provided license key. It is unclear if the product will work with the newer Service Pack 4 or FTF updates as well.

Later versions of DacEasy (v25?) came with a VERY outdated Pervasive PSQL v10.01 Workgroup Engine with OEM Vendor ID 5172. We were able to successfully upgrade this engine in place to v10.31, with no issues.

More interesting is the fact that DacEasy does install quite easily onto a database server with a newer database engine. We have tested this with Actian Zen v15.01 Update 1, and found no issues in our minimal testing with a default installation. The application fires up fine and performs all basic operations (data lookups, updates, etc.) with very solid performance. Again, we did not perform an exhaustive test with full code coverage to verify that ALL operations complete successfully, but we expect no major issues. To that end, if you are running DacEasy and you would like to see better performance and stability, especially if you expect to do SQL queries and reporting against your database, then upgrading to a newer database engine may be just the ticket. If you do this, simply rename the \DacEasy\PVSW folder to something else to hide the old components, and you're under way.

Application Issues

The following application-related information may be helpful to you over time:

  1. Install Tip: If you are installing a new database engine to a new server, install the database engine FIRST and reboot the server, and THEN install DacEasy. Once done, remove or rename the PVSW folder so that it cannot be found, and remove any references to it in your path as well.
  2. Setting up ODBC: If needed, I do have data dictionary files for an older version of DacEasy, but they also seem to work with the v11 data formats.
  3. Application Support: For application support, you may be able to contact Sage, or you can try a third-party support provider, such as McDaniel & Company in NC.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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