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Application Support for DBA Software

Software Vendor: DBA Software Inc. (a.k.a. DBA Manufacturing) and IS Tech Support
Application Name: DBA Classic; Evo-ERP
Application Version:  

For application-specific support, please visit the IS Tech Support or Evo-ERP web sites.

Older versions of DBA Classic may have Btrieve 6.15, Pervasive.SQL 2000i, or Pervasive.SQL V8 components installed, but the vendor has indicated that this entire product line will work on any current version of Pervasive, including Pervasive PSQL v9.5. (For any new installations or upgrades, you will probably move to PSQLv9.5, if you have not already.)

Like Goldstar Software, IS Tech is also a Pervasive reseller, so if you plan on requesting support from them on the application, you may be best off purchasing the Pervasive upgrade from them. IS Tech Support recommends that users use the current PSQL v9.5

WARNING: DBA Software provided the PSQLV8 client with their last (2004) update without regard for the server PSQL version. This situation potentially created a problem with the PSQLV8 client logging into a PSQL2000 server.  This engine/client mismatch can cause major problems, from server-side crashing (if the SP4 HotFixes are not yet applied) to other strange results. DBA may load, but sporadic unpredictable errors will result. The possible solutions to this are:

  • Remove the PSQLV8 client from each workstation and install the PSQL2000i client instead. This ensures that you have the same versions, although the PSQL2000i software has not been sold nor supported since 2004.
  • Upgrade your older PSQL engine on the server to PSQLV8 (at minimum). This is a paid upgrade (not free). If you upgrade to V8.7 (Service Pack 3), you may also need to patch the clients anyway.
  • Upgrade your entire environment to the currently supported Pervasive PSQL v9.5 software. Since you may have to touch all machines anyway, why not upgrade to the latest & greatest engine from Pervasive?

Update 12/11/2007: After receiving a few calls about people wanting to upgrade, we did some more research on this, and found several users already running DBA Classic on Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 with no issues. This is great news, and should allow anyone running an older engine to get on the newest one, including Vista support. (Users are also successfully running DBA Classic on Vista, as well.)

Update 01/28/2011: Lynn Pantic at IS Tech Support has indicated that users are working fine on Pervasive PSQL v11, as well.

Update 01/2015: Lynn Pantic at IS Tech Support has indicated that users are working fine on Pervasive PSQL v12, too. If you are looking at a new database engine purchase, you will likely want to get the newest release.

Update 02/2020: IS Tech Support provided installation documentation for PSQL v13 as well.

Application Issues

The following application-related information may be helpful to you over time:

  1. Install Tip: If you are installing PSQLv10 or PSQLv11, you must install the 32-bit PSQL Client to use Evo or DBA, even on 64-bit computers. With Version 12 and above, the installer is smart enough to install exactly what you need.
  2. Mapped Drives: Evo can utilize a mapped drive or a complete UNC path. If you are starting clean, I recommend using the full path to the share and forget the mapped drive. This information is stored in the C:\ISTS\TASPRO7.INI on each workstation in 3 lines in the [Setup] section at the beginning of the file.
  3. Moving to a New Server: Migrating to a new server is easy. First, install the PSQL/Zen engine and copy in the backup of the DBAMFG folder, sharing it as usual. Check the path (as described in the item above) and verify it is accurate. For the JDBC programs in Evo and any ODBC connections you may have, you need to load the Control Center and create a database pointing to the company subfolder. It is best to use the same database name that was used on the old server. Evo offers a function called SM-T to verify and change the Host, which should be the new server name or IP address (unless you are replicating the old one). This changes the JDBC.INI file, which is also explained more in detail in the link in the next item.
  4. Setting up JDBC: ISTechSupport has a paper on how to set up or modify your JDBC configuration, which you can see here.
  5. Creating DDF Files: Evo has an option for Generate DDF Files within the menu system, specifically UT-J. That option should ONLY be used for database maintenance within the old DBA Classic. The option UT-A, "ODBCDDF" creates the correct DDFs in the company subdirectory without file extensions.
  6. Connecting via ODBC: When creating a database link via the Control Center for ODBC access, you should NEVER use the DDF's located in the DBAMFG root directory. (These DDF's are invalid and will not work within PSQL/Zen.) Instead, you MUST use the aforementioned ODBCDDF tool to create the company-specific DDF's in your company folder, and then create a Named Database that points to the specific company folder itself, such as DBAMFG\Default.
  7. The Btrieve Memo File (WBTRVMEMO.B) could not be opened: The WBTRVMEMO.B file does not meet the old DOS 8.3 naming convention so there is old code that changes the name in the data dictionary to WBTRVMEM.B and one of the last things the update does is fix it. If you go to UT-D and do a lookup and scroll down I suspect you have an entry for WBTRVMEM.B but not WBTRVMEMO.B. You can just fix it there on the UT-D screen and edit the filename to add the O. However that raises the issue of what else did not get done during the update process.
  8. Unable to find the master record in file BKSYMSTR: The BKSYMSTR file contains one single record used to hold system configuration data. If something happens to this file where the record is lost or damaged, then the entire system can stop functioning. In most cases, it is best to simply restore this file from the most recent backup and replace the defective file.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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