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Application Support for DemandBridge/e-Quantum

Software Vendor: DemandBridge
Application Name: e-Quantum
Application Version: Unspecified

For application-specific support, please visit the e-Quantum web site.

Officially, DemandBridge/e-Quantum supports Actian PSQL v13 and older. Unofficially, we have two comments from two different people there to be used for reference:

[Actian PSQL] v13 is the last version we have purchased and used. There are no known issues with [Actian Zen] v14 or v15; however, we don't have any clients that we know of that are running those versions.
Yes [Actian Zen] 15 will work. When you are ready to migrate to the hosted version of EQD just put in a request and we can schedule a call to discuss that.

Please contact e-Quantum directly for more information if needed.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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