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Application Support for Lanier

Software Vendor: Lanier
Application Name: MedWin
Application Version:  

We are not able to provide direct support for the Lanier MedWin application, unless it is resulting from a database issue on the Btrieve side. However, we are aware that some organizations are still running the older MedWin application strictly for archival purposes -- since data must be accessible for seven years. Since the system must remaining running, this also requires maintaining a Btrieve database environment for it, which sometimes requires maintaining an entire server for the software as well.

We can help your organization eliminate the need to remain on Btrieve in this case. We can extract the data from your archival MedWin system and build it into a database which can run stand-alone -- either Microsoft Access or Pervasive.SQL V8. We can then provide a very simple Access front-end that allows you to query the database by medical record number, patient name, date dictated, and more.

Depending on the amount of data in the data set, it may then be possible to build a single CDROM or DVDROM which contains not only the database linking the patient and document IDs, but also the Word Perfect documents themselves (which can be opened by MS Word). This creates the perfect archive -- make a few copies of the CD/DVD for each user who needs it, and you're home free!

For information on this solution, please contact us!

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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