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Application Support for Lytec Medical

Software Vendor: Lytec (NDC)
Application Name:  
Application Version:  

We are not able to provide direct support for the Lytec applications, unless it is resulting from a database issue on the Btrieve side. However, we are aware that some organizations are still running this application, and since Lytec does not support running on Pervasive.SQL V8, while other applications may now require Pervasive.SQL V8, end users can be left in quite a quandary.

The Lytec software released for 2005 DOES support Pervasive.SQL V8. If you are trying to get a different application to work with Lytec on Pervasive.SQL V8, you may wish to upgrade to this new release.

In our consulting work, we have found that the older Lytec applications DO run under Pervasive.SQL V8. In order to "fool" the database into thinking that you are running the older Pervasive.SQL 2000i software, you must configure Pervasive.SQL V8 to "lie" to Lytec when it asks for the current version information. See our white paper entitled Force the Requester Version Information for more detailed information.

In addition to this, you may have problems since Lytec tries to check (and correct) any database configuration errors. Unfortunately, Lytec developers opted to NOT make these changes through the published Pervasive.SQL Distributed Tuning Interface API, but rather as a direct registry hack. Because of this, if you are running on a cleanly-installed Pervasive.SQL V8 in your environment (as opposed to a system that was upgraded), you may need to manually create some registry keys. You will know this is needed since Lytec will post a message that a registry key could not be modified. Use RegEdit to build the needed keys, and Lytec should start working just fine.

For more information on PSQLV8 and Lytec, please contact us!


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