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Application Support for PMC Software

Software Vendor: PMC Software
Application Name: LINEALMATE, and other applications
Application Version: 2004 and Newer Versions

We spoke to PMC Software on January 10, 2018 about PSQL v13, and was told "it should be no problem - go for it!" For updated support details for PSQL, please contact PMC directly.

Very old versions of PMC (including old DOS versions) were supported on PSQL 2000i and older, but all versions after 2004 require PSQL V8 or newer. Some old versions may include 16-bit components, and will not work on PSQL v10 or newer without the 16-bit Requester Patch Pack. Contact PMC for specific details if you have a very old version.

All current versions of PMC's applications (as of September 2015) require PSQL v9.70 or newer, and are supported all the way up through Actian PSQL v13 (current as of this update). PMC does not supports NetWare or Linux servers at this time, but requires Windows Server 2003 or newer.

Support Matrix:

Workgroup Engine

Server for NetWare

Server for Windows

Server for Linux

Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 YES NO YES NO
Pervasive PSQL v11 YES NO YES NO
Actian Zen v13 YES NO YES/R NO

*Items with a NO are unsupported; items with YES are supported. Items with NR are not recommended; items with R are recommended. Items with no entry are unknown at this time.

Some PMC applications require that you specifically configure the PSQL Client to uncheck the "Embedded Spaces" in the Pervasive Control Center on each workstation. If you are having problems on new workstations, please check this setting first.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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