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Application Support for Prodigy Data Systems

Software Vendor: Prodigy Data Systems
Application Versions: PROscript 2000

Database Engine Versions: Here is the table of the versions of Pervasive/Actian PSQL/Zen that are supported for use with PROscript 2000 as of April 2021. You can click on the link for each version to be taken to that version's Downlaod page:

Database Engine Version Current PROscript 2000 Older Versions
Pervasive.SQL V8 NO YES
Pervasive PSQL v9 NO YES
Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 YES YES
Pervasive PSQL v11 YES YES
Actian PSQL v12 YES YES
Actian PSQL v13 YES YES
Actian Zen v14 YES YES
Actian Zen v15 NO NO

If you are running a smaller system (under 5 concurrent users), then you should be able to save money with the Workgroup Engine. For larger systems of 6 or more users, you will need to get either a Server (now called Enterprise Server) or Vx Server (now called Cloud Server) license. You can find a complete list of differences between the Workgroup and Server engines here. To find the best option for a new installation, you can also use our Zen v14 Product Selector, which you can find on this page.

There are a few points of interest:

  1. Performance Tip: If you have a very old system, you may wish to consider upgrading your database files to the v9.5 file format. See our white paper on this topic for more information. If you have a very old database with 5.x files, you are REQUIRED to rebuild files to maintain compatibility with PSQLv9 or newer.
  2. Status Code 161 After Installation: If you are getting a Status 161 (Licensing Error) after installing the PSQL engine, then your database license may not be properly applied. Go to the database server and start the License Administrator utility (which you'll find in the Start/Programs menu) and check the license count showing on this screen. If you do not see a permanent license with the correct user count, then you will need to apply your license. See your invoice or packing slip for your Registration Keycode, and enter this string into the boxes provided, then click "Add License". You should then see the proper license count. See our License Troubleshooting White Paper for more information.

If you need help with installing or patching your database engine, Goldstar Software also provides update services via the Internet for a fixed fee. See our Installation Services page for more details. If you are running PeachTree Accounting or other PSQL applications, then we strongly recommend using our installation services, as PeachTree can make installing a bit more of a challenge.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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