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+ Pervasive PSQL v10
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Application Support for Printers Software Inc.

Software Vendor: Printers Software Inc.
Application Name: Printing Management
Application Version: 2005 and Newer

Printers Software recommends that users use Pervasive PSQL v11 or newer for the database behind their application, as these newer versions provide superior performance, reliability, and supportability. Older versions may work, but are not officially supported by either Pervasive/Actian or Printers Software. If you are experiencing problems with your older environment, then you definitely want to upgrade right away!

  • New Users or Upgrading Users: The current database version is Actian PSQL v12. You can Download the 30-Day Evaluation License of PSQL v12. For smaller sites (under 5 users), you will want to get the Workgroup Engine, which comes with a 5-user Trial license. Larger Sites (6+ users) should get the Server Engine, with its 20-User trial license
  • Pervasive PSQL v11 Users: PSQLv11 has been discontinued, but is still supported by Actian Corporation. If you are running a version older than v11.30, please Download the Pervasive PSQL v11 Service Pack 3. Once you have done this, Download the Pervasive PSQL v11.31 Service Pack 3 Update to get on the latest version. These are free updates for PSQLv11 users.
  • Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 Users: PSQLv10 is an older product that is no longer supported by Pervasive Software. If you are running a version older than v10.30, please Download the Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 Service Pack 3. Once you have done this, Download the Pervasive PSQL v10.31 Service Pack 3 Update to get on the latest version. These are free updates for PSQLv10 users. Better yet, upgrade to PSQL v12 today to take advantage of the latest software release!
  • Pervasive PSQL v9 Users: PSQLv9 is an older product that is no longer supported by Pervasive Software. If you are running a version older than v9.71, please Download the Pervasive PSQL v9.5 Service Pack 2. Once you have done this, download the Pervasive PSQL v9.7x Service Pack 3 Update to get on the latest version. These are free updates for PSQLv9 users. Better yet, upgrade to PSQL v12 today to take advantage of the latest software release!

Installation of the new engine is easy -- pop in the CDROM & follow the prompts, then reboot, so you can do it yourself or have your tech guy (or gal) handle it for you.

If you have a small site, then the Workgroup Engine (WGE) is for you. While it only supports a maximum of 5 computers (including the server), the WGE is a very cost-effective way to get the benefits of the latest Pervasive database. If you need more than 5 concurrent users, then go to the Server Engine instead.

An upgrade to the Pervasive Server Engine provides substantial performance and reliability benefits to larger sites, with user counts of 6, 10, 20, 50, and more. The Server Engine also provides additional performance and security over the WGE, and should be considered even for smaller sites looking to grow in the future. The Server Engine requires the use of a Windows 2008/2012 or Linux database/file server. Windows Server 2003 is supported with PSQL v11 and older only. (NetWare Servers are supported with PSQLv9 and older only.) We recommend making sure that you meet the Pervasive.SQL V8 Pre-Requisites list on your network before upgrading. If you are going with the Server Engine, you'll also be able to use the Backup Agent (to get easier backups), AuditMaster (for independent database auditing), and DataExchange (for replication).

For pricing, please refer to our price list for Pervasive PSQL v12,Buy It Now Online, or contact us for an quote for your exact needs!

Important Note for Users of Older Windows Versions: Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 requires Windows 2000 or above to run properly. PSQLv11 requires Windows XP or above. PSQL v12 requires Windows Vista or above. Windows 7 is supported on v10.30 or above only. Windows 8 is supported on PSQL v11.30 and above only. Windows 10 will ONLY be supported on PSQL v12. If you have any old computers running older operating systems, you should upgrade these workstations before attempting to upgrade your database engine.

Important Note for DOS Users: Use of native DOS computers with a Windows server is possible, but it requires a technically-challenging configuration. We urge you to consider replacing the workstations with newer boxes to run a Win32 platform instead to cut down on the support costs and configuration time. Goldstar Software can provide support in configuring DOS boxes at our standard support rates.

Support Matrix:

Workgroup or Workstation

Server for NetWare

Server for Windows

Server for Linux

Pervasive PSQL Summit v10 YES/NR N/A YES/NR YES/NR
Pervasive PSQL v11 YES/R N/A YES/R YES/R

* Not all engines exist in all versions, and these are marked with N/A. Items with a NO are unsupported; items with YES are supported. Items with NR are not recommended; items with R are recommended. Items with no entry are unknown at this time.

There are eleven points of interest Specific to Printers Software environments:

  1. Performance Tip: If the Workgroup Engine is used, the machine with the data files physically on it (usually known as the peer server) should be designated as the permanent gateway using the Gateway Locator Utility. (If this is on a separate server, then you will need to purchase a database engine license for this computer as well.) Changing the configuration from a floating gateway (the default) to a permanent gateway will provide the best performance and stability. See our white paper on this topic for more information, or click HERE for the video!
  2. Performance Tip: After your system has been running on PSQL for a few weeks, and you are comfortable enough that you will never go back to the old version, you may want to rebuild your *.PSI data files to take advantage of even more performance gains. See our white paper on this topic for more information. Important Note: Check with PSI before starting this process!
  3. Status 116 *OR* Status 20 Problem: We have seen some sites with Status 116 errors after installing, or with Status 20 on the User File. If you run the application and do NOT see the Pervasive.SQL splash screen, then you may have an old DLL still stuck on your system. Search the local and network hard disks to locate a files in the following list: WBTRCALL.DLL, WBTRVRES.DLL, WBTRLOCL.DLL, WBTR32.EXE, WBTRV32.DLL, W32BTICM.DLL, WBTRTHNK.DLL, W32MKDE.EXE, W32MKRC.DLL, dated 1999 or older. If you find such a file, rename or delete it. Do NOT delete any copies in the C:\PVSW\BIN folder. (Copies in the PVSWARCH directory have been found and successfully archived by the installation process. You may leave these copies alone, and after a few weeks, you can safely remove this entire directory structure.)
  4. Status Code 2738 During Installation: Some users are experiencing this error on certain computers, especially on older Windows 98 computers. This error message indicates that the Microsoft Installer was unable to run the VBScript needed to install the product. If you get this message, you will need to download and install the VBScript update utility from Microsoft, reboot your computer, and then try the installation again.
  5. Status Code 161 After Installation: If you are getting a Status 161 (Licensing Error) after installing Pervasive and trying to run with more than 1 user, then your database license may not be properly applied. On each computer, start the Pervasive License Administrator (which you'll find in the Start/Programs/Pervasive programs group) and check the license count showing on this screen. If you see a 1-user license, then you will need to apply your permanent license to this software. See your invoice or packing slip for your Registration Keycode, and enter this number into the boxes provided on that dialog box, then click "Add License". You should see the proper license count then showing.
  6. Version Error 8005 / Start Btrieve User: If you are getting this message, then you may have an older version of a critical DLL, specifically WBTRV32.DLL, laying around on your system. Check the local hard disk drive, as well as the PSI directory, for the files indicated in #3 above. If you find OLD versions of these files, please rename or delete them.
  7. Problem Printing Reports: If you receive an error printing reports after upgrading to PSQL, then you need to check to ensure that your PSIDEF.INI file contains the following line anywhere in the section
    marked [Special]:
    Note that this is simply a dot and a backslash, with nothing following it. If you would like your temporary files going into a specific directory (such as H:\TEMP), then you will want to change this to something like:
    Again, you MUST have the trailing backslash in this entry.
    UPDATE: Newer versions of PSI can access this same information by selecting Utilities / Maintenance / Preferences / Multiple Applications / Miscellaneous / Temp Directory and modifying the value there.
  8. Status 46: A Status 46 error message has been seen on a few sites that upgraded to Pervasive PSQL v9 or newer but were still running some database files in the archaic Btrieve 5.x file format. The first step is to identify the database file that is still in the older format. To do this, refer to the PSI File List and find the file name that is shown on-screen (right column), as well as the actual file name (left column after the "="). Once you know the file name, use the Pervasive Rebuild Utility to rebuild this file to at least the 6.x file format. For instructions on using Rebuild, please click here. See Note #2 above for more information on rebuilding files.
  9. Creating an ODBC Data Source: If you need to create an ODBC data source (for Crystal Reports, UPS WorldShip, or other data access), please see our white paper describing the process. If you need the location of your database files, go to the Utilities / Maintenance / System Control dialog box.
  10. Client Cache Engine: Pervasive's Client Cache Engine can be used to sometimes improve performance over some networks. However, the PSI application is not completely compatible with this technology . As such, we recommend disabling the CCE on your server and workstations. On the server, find the configuration setting called "Allow Cache Engine Connections" and make sure it is disabled. On the workstations, find the setting for "Use Cache Engine" and make sure it is disabled. This will prevent additional memory from being used on your workstations and server.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!
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