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Database Access for Peachtree Accounting

Peachtree for Windows has used the Pervasive database engine for a long time. Recently, they upgraded their systems to use newer versions of the Pervasive workgroup engine, specifically Pervasive.SQL V9 and Pervasive PSQL Summit v10. These new versions of the database engine have a full-fledged ODBC driver which can provide for easy access directly to your PeachTree data for exporting information to other systems.

Unfortunately, PeachTree has locked down access to your accounting data for one simple reason -- allowing ODBC access can be dangerous as it violates ALL accounting controls, as you can then directly update ANY value in the database, leaving the door open for possible accounting "abnormalities". Further, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act provides for possible criminal charges against a public company official for such transgressions, so it is a big door to leave open. As a result, PeachTree slams this door shut for your own protection. Of course, the other side of the coin is that it is YOUR data, and you should have access to it if you want it.

Sage Software provides a freely available Software Developers Kit which provides for "proper" access to the PeachTree database. They do NOT recommend nor promote direct access to the database itself, as this can violate Sarb-Ox regulations and get some companies in hot water. Contact PeachTree for more information on their SDK if you need it.

If you are NOT an application developer and you just want access to your own database, then Goldstar Software can help. We have received approval from Sage Software to provide database access information to PeachTree users. We can analyze your database and provide you with either a Read-Only user (which is the safest option), or a Read-Write username. We can even provide the Master user password if you wish to be able to make additional security changes or add more tables to the PeachTree database. The cost for this process is $250, and includes filing the necessary Sage paperwork.

To take advantage of this access method, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete a copy of our PeachTree Database Disclaimer form signed by TWO company principals.
  2. Complete a copy of our New Customer Form including the credit card payment information.
  3. Submit both forms via Email or Fax to 1-928-833-3632.
  4. Email a current copy of your COMPANY.DAT file and the associated Data Dictionary Files (*.DDF) to

Once we have the files and forms, we will proceed to create the requested username and password that is defined on the form. The changed DDF files will then be submitted back to you via return Email. Typical turnaround is by the next day, although sometimes we can get the information back to you the same day.

Update for PeachTree 2010: Sage has FINALLY added a way to access your data in this version! From your PeachTree application, go to Maintain/Users/Set Up Security. Go to the tab titled "Crystal Reports/Data Access". From here, you can define a single user with access to the database from ODBC, or you can select the option to allow ALL users access to the database. If you select this latter option, the username will be "Crystal" and the password will be blank. Please note that this will be the case for *ALL* databases by default with this option! This can be a great security risk for people hacking your database! To secure this login, use a tool like ODBCTest (from Microsoft) or MSAccess and issue a query " SET PASSWORD = 'newpassword'; ". Once you do this, your "Crystal" user will now have a password of your own choosing. Hopefully, Sage will address this security issue in a future release. Note that if you want WRITE access to the database, then you'll still need our help setting up a second access account.

Update for Sage 50:Like 2010, you can do the same thing in Sage 50. Here is a link to the Sage instructions for creating an ODBC link.

If you have questions about this process, please contact us to discuss in more detail.

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