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Application Support for Soulé Software Contract Management

Software Vendor: Soulé Software (
Application Name: Contract Management

The Contract Management application from Soulé Software uses Actian Zen (formerly known as Actian PSQL) as its core database engine to provide fast and reliable data storage for Rebar Fabricators and Placers. If you are a new customer, you can find pricing on the current version of the database engine, Actian Zen v14, using one of these two links:

Sometimes, installing Zen can be tricky, especially if you've never done it before. Save yourself some time and review our step-by-step instructions on Downloading and Installing Actian Zen v14.

Users who are considering an upgrade from an older database engine will likely see performance and stability gains, especially when running on newer operating systems. If you are upgrading from an Actian PSQL v13 Server Engine, you may also be eligible for an upgrade discount. You may wish to contact Soule Software to inform them of your intention to upgrade before purchasing the upgrade. If you are currently running PSQL v12 or older, you may find that buying a new license for v14 is a better deal than a double-upgrade (i.e. upgrading to v13 and then to v14).

Before installing a new system or upgrading an old one, you may also wish to review the current Computer Hardware Requirements for Contract Management Software, which you must get directly from Soulé Software.

Soulé Software has successfully tested and supports their Contract Management application on each of the following database engine versions:

You can click on each of the links above to read more about your each PSQL version, or to find out what new features are available with each release.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!

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