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Application Support for Turn Key Solutions

Software Vendor: Turn Key Solutions
Application Name: CIMS - Cotton Inventory Management System
Application Version:  

NOTICE: If you have received a notice about needing Pervasive.SQL V8.6 for your Turn Key Solutions installation, and you have already purchased the upgrade to Pervasive.SQL V8, please CLICK HERE for the V8.6 patches (also known as Service Pack 2), available for free directly from Pervasive Software. If you have still not upgraded, please read on...

Turn Key Solutions, a TX-based software provider for the cotton industry, has recently announced that it is moving to the extremely fast and cost-effective Pervasive.SQL V8 database engine. The migration from the native COBOL file system to the Pervasive.SQL environment will provide superior performance, reliability, and supportability for your environment.

Installation of the new engine is easy -- pop in the CDROM & follow the prompts, then reboot, so you can do it yourself or have your tech guy (or gal) handle it for you.

Turn Key Solutions is recommending the Pervasive.SQL V8.6 Client/Server Engine, with user counts of 6, 10, 20, 50, and more. The CSE requires the use of a Windows NT/2000/2003, NetWare, or Linux database/file server.We also recommend making sure that you meet the Pervasive.SQL V8 Pre-Requisites list on your network before upgrading. With the CSE, you can also use the Pervasive Backup Agent (to get easier backups), AuditMaster (for independent database auditing), and DataExchange (for replication). We can also offer Software Upgrade Maintenance on these products.

For pricing, please refer to our price list for Pervasve.SQL V8, Buy It Now Online, or contact us for an exact quote!

Pervasive.SQL V8.6 was released in August, 2004 and is a free upgrade for those users already on Pervasive.SQL V8. The V8.6 software release provides some extremely valuable capabilities like on-the-wire encryption, improved security features, bug fixes, and more! Pervasive PSQL v9 was released in March, 2005, and is a newer release. Turn Key Software does not yet support this release, and sites are urged to stick with Pervasive.SQL V8.6 until thorough testing can be completed.

Important Note: Pervasive.SQL V8 does not support Windows 95 clients. If you have any old computers running this operating system, you should upgrade these workstations before attempting to switch to Pervasive.SQL V8.

Support Matrix:



CSE NetWare


CSE Linux

Btrieve 6.15 NO N/A NO NO N/A
Pervasive.SQL 7 NO N/A NO NO N/A
Pervasive.SQL 2000i NO NO NO NO NO
Pervasive.SQL V8 N/A NO YES/R YES/R Pending
Pervasive PSQL v9 N/A Pending Pending Pending Pending

*The abbreviations used on the columns above include the Workstation Engine (WSE), Workgroup Engine (WGE), and Client/Server Engine (CSE). Not all engines exist in all versions, and these are marked with N/A. Items with a NO are unsupported; items with YES are supported. Items with NR are not recommended; items with R are recommended. Items with no entry are unknown at this time. P indicates that testing is in progress for this release.

There are four points of interest for installers:

  1. Performance Tip: After your system has been running on Pervasive for a few weeks, and you are comfortable enough that you will never go back to the old version, you may want to rebuild your data files to take advantage of even more performance gains. See our white paper on this topic for more information. Important Note: Check with Turn Key Solutions before starting this process!
  2. Status 116 Problem: We have seen some sites with Status 116 errors after installing. If you run the application and do NOT see the Pervasive.SQL splash screen, then you may have an old DLL still stuck on your system. Search the local and network hard disks to locate a files in the following list: WBTRCALL.DLL, WBTRVRES.DLL, WBTRLOCL.DLL, WBTR32.EXE, WBTRV32.DLL, W32BTICM.DLL, WBTRTHNK.DLL, W32MKDE.EXE, W32MKRC.DLL, dated 1999 or older. If you find such a file, rename or delete it. Do NOT delete any copies in the C:\PVSW\BIN folder. (Copies in the PVSWARCH directory have been found and successfully archived by the installation process. You may leave these copies alone, and after a few weeks, you can safely remove this entire directory structure.)
  3. Status Code 2738 During Installation: Some users are experiencing this error on certain computers, especially on older Windows 98 computers. This error message indicates that the Microsoft Installer was unable to run the VBScript needed to install the product. If you get this message, you will need to download and install the VBScript update utility from Microsoft, reboot your computer, and then try the installation again.
  4. Status Code 161 After Installation: If you are getting a Status 161 (Licensing Error) after installing Pervasive and trying to run the application, then your database license may not be properly applied. On the server computer, start the Pervasive License Administrator (which you'll find in the Start/Programs/Pervasive programs group) and check the license count showing on this screen. If you see an expired temporary license, then you will need to apply your permanent license to this software. See your invoice or packing slip for your Registration Keycode, and enter this number into the boxes provided on that dialog box, then click "Add License". You should see the proper license count then showing.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!
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