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Btrieve Administrator's Recovery ToolKit (BART) Version 1

NOTE: The BART Toolkit has been discontinued by Goldstar Software Inc. It is replaced by the Pervasive Data File Recovery Toolkit. If you have a current license for BART, please contact us for discounted upgrade pricing to the new release.

Although Pervasive has trumpeted the Btrieve and Pervasive.SQL databases as not needing a database administrator (i.e. zero DBA), there remains some call for people extremely knowledgeable about the database and the database files and structures, especially when the operating system decides to mangle a data file. (Although everyone knows that MS Windows never crashes, its "features" sometimes cause some consternation.)

Designed for the Btrieve Database Administrator who needs to manually recover data from a database file or determine the cause of a failure from time to time, these tools are used internally by Goldstar Software as part of our "Btrieve File Forensics" -- the study of corrupted files in search of a root cause.

As these were originally in-house tools only, documentation on HOW to use the tools is currently very limited. We recommend anyone looking at these tools to also have a copy of Jim Kyle's (RIP) book, titled Btrieve Complete and available here, and be very familiar with a hex editor/viewer and the internal layout of Btrieve files. Alternatively, our Advanced Data File Recovery for Pervasive.SQL course is a one-day in-depth technical introduction to the internal file formats behind Btrieve and Pervasive.SQL!

The BART toolkit sells for $350 for a LAN site license and includes the following items:

  • FindBad: ($25 DOS) Locates the physical location of the bad record (or record immediately preceding the bad record) in a corrupted file.
  • FindLP: ($50 DOS) Searches a data file (sequentially) for a specified Logical Page. (FindLP functionality is also included in ListDPg-Win32.)
  • KeyCheck: ($10 DOS) Scans data files looking for any data corruption.
  • KeyCheck ($25 Win32): KeyCheck written as 32-bit console application with more features.
  • ListDPg: ($50 DOS, $50 Win32) List all Data Pages in a specified file. Also has the ability to logically renumber all data pages for maximum recovery. (Requires DataSave98) Win32 release supports V8 and extended files.
  • ListStat: ($25 DOS, $25 Win32) Our supercharged BUTIL -STAT replacement!
  • LPLookup: ($25 DOS, $50 Win32) Performs a lookup of a logical page in the PAT and displays the physical page information.Win32 release supports V8 and extended files.
  • PATCheck: ($25 DOS, $50 Win32) Reviews the integrity of a PAT within a 6.x or 7.x MKDE file. Win32 release supports V8 and extended files.
  • PATFix: ($10 DOS, $75 Win32) Helps to fix PAT corruption caused by "PATFix" bug in Btrieve 6.15 engines. Win32 release supports viewing and modifying PATs on V8 and extended files.
  • PPLookup: ($25 DOS, $50 Win32) Scans a PAT looking for a pointer to a given physical page.Win32 release supports V8 and extended files.
  • ReadFile: ($10 DOS) Displays data from any given file in ASCII and/or hexadecimal.
  • ViewUNF: ($50 Windows) Displays UNF files in a simple window, filtering unreadable characters.

(Please note that support on these utilities is limited to fixing errors only -- any support requests dealing with the actual repair or analysis of MKDE files will be billable at current rates.)

All of the utilities in this package are provided as-is, without warranty or technical support. These tools are always being updated and expanded as we find new ways to use the tools or determine new things we want them to do. We will strive to eliminate bugs in the functionality of any tool as quickly as possible. We will also accept suggestions via EMail for improving the tools as enhancement requests. When you purchase and register a toolset, you will be notified via EMail of any updates to the tools in that set, and you be provided with the updated code when it becomes available. Goldstar Software Inc. may add new tools to a given tool package at any time, and it is our sole discretion as to whether the new tools will be provided free of charge or will require an upgrade fee.

Due to the advanced nature of the BART toolkit, Goldstar Software does offer limited EMail and phone support in using these products (up to one hour). If you request help using a given tool beyond this time, you may be charged for the support time like any other support issue. Some tools are destructive in nature and no tool should EVER be used without a proper backup of the files being affected.

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