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Goldstar Software Utilities: BtrvLoad

Multi-Threaded, Command-Line Database Pre-Load Tool
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With the increase in use of 64-bit database engines and servers with LOTS of memory, another bottleneck has started to be noticed by users all over the globe. When a large Pervasive PSQL 64-bit system is running normally, performance is great. However, when the server has to be rebooted due to operating system or database engine patches, the database cache is flushed, and performance falls noticeably as the data must be reloaded from the disk on each database call.

BtrvLoad is a multi-threaded, command-line application that allows database administrators the ability to pre-load data into the database cache immediately after an engine restart. It issues special database calls to the engine to force the engine to access every single data page in a file, causing these pages to be loaded into the database cache, so that when the users start to access the system, they see only fast response times.

BtrvLoad supports the use of simple wildcards to specify database files (including *.*), but it can also be used with file lists (similar to that used by Continuous Operations Mode and our HoldOpen tool) for more fine-grained control. You can configure the number of threads used, which can help control the amount of load it places on the system, and it is perfectly safe to use on a production system with users accessing it simultaneously.

BtrvLoad can be purchased as a single-user license or as a LAN site license. We can also provide licensing information for developers if you are interested in including BtrvLoad within your application for use for initializing databases or performing other maintenance tasks. Click the links above, or contact us for more details!

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