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+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
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+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
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Btrieve Utilities, Resources and Tools (BURT) Version 1

Goldstar Software prides itself on our work based on Btrieve and Pervasive.SQL databases, and our Btrieve utility toolset (BURT) is an extensive and growing library of useful tools for the Btrieve user and application support person.

The BURT toolkit sells for $300 for a LAN site license and includes the following items:

  • AlterNum: ($10 DOS) Fixes NUMERIC data type fields in data files that were mangled by the older Pervasive ActiveX Controls.
  • AlterUNF: ($10 DOS) Modifies UNF files by adding or removing bytes from specific positions. Quite useful for expanding or removing data fields without writing a conversion program.
  • AnyUsers: ($10 DOS) Quickly determines if any users are actively using one or more Btrieve files.
  • ChkBFile: ($10 DOS) Scans large quantities of files (based on wildcards) to determine if they are MKDE files or not.
  • FixDates: ($100 Win32) Scans data files looking for invalid DATE fields; sets bad dates to a known value.
  • Garbage: ($50 DOS) Garbage collection routine designed for cleaning up relational databases of orphaned records.
  • GSBackup: ($100 Win32) Eliminates the need to manually create file lists for Continuous Operations! GSBackup automatically searches out Btrieve files (even in subdirectories) and puts them into continuous operations mode for you.
  • HoldOpen: ($10 DOS, $50 Win32) Simply holds files open for better performance or file level security. The Win32 version can be used as a White List for the Pervasive Backup Agent.
  • KeyCheck: ($10 DOS, $25 Win32) Scans data files looking for any data corruption Win32 version has many more features and options.
  • KillPre: (FREE DOS) Uses the recommended method to eliminate PRE-image files.
  • KillUser ($10 Win32): Kills users from the MKDE based on specific criteria.
  • ListStat: ($25 DOS, $25 Win32) Our supercharged BUTIL -STAT replacement!
  • MakeRecs: (FREE DOS) Rapidly inserts records into a data file for stress testing.
  • MakeUNF: ($10 DOS) Extracts raw data from flat files into UNF files.
  • MoveRecs: ($50 DOS) Moves or copies records from one Btrieve file to another.
  • OpenClos: (FREE DOS) Stress-tests a system by rapidly opening & closing data files.
  • SetTrace ($10 Win32): Enables and disables MKDE tracing from the command line.
  • UpdtRecs ($25 Win32): Stress-tests a system by updating records in a data file, with or without locks.
  • VarCheck: ($10 DOS) Checks variable-length files to determine if records are indeed variable length
  • ViewUNF: ($50 Windows) Displays UNF files in a simple window, filtering unreadable characters.

All of the utilities in this package are provided as-is, without warranty or technical support. These tools are always being updated and expanded as we find new ways to use the tools or determine new things we want them to do. We will strive to eliminate bugs in the functionality of any tool as quickly as possible. We will also accept suggestions via EMail for improving the tools as enhancement requests. When you purchase and register a toolset, you will be notified via EMail of any updates to the tools in that set, and you be provided with the updated code when it becomes available. Goldstar Software Inc. may add new tools to a given tool package at any time, and it is our sole discretion as to whether the new tools will be provided free of charge or will require an upgrade fee.

If you request help using a given tool, you may be charged for the support time like any other support issue. Warning: Some tools are destructive in nature and no tool should EVER be used without a proper backup of the files being affected.

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