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Advanced Network Troubleshooting for Zen/PSQL

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Course Developer: Goldstar Software Inc.

Level: Advanced

Length: 1 Day

Course Materials: 80+ page, color, printed manual with CDROM (available separately for $250)

Course Objectives: This one-day course provides a background into network design and troubleshooting concepts. It includes an introduction to network packet capture and analysis with hands-on use of the Wireshark network analyzer tool or other tools. Several trace files depicting common Btrieve and networking problems will be evaluated in a lab environment, with special attention to the Btrieve and SQL communications processes. It will include a review of the entire communications process for TCP (SPX is also covered in the manual, but not covered in class), and will provide packet analysis details of Btrieve 6.x, 7.x, and newer clients, along with a review of real-life case studies.

An outline of the course includes:

Section 1 - Introduction & Review
Concepts (Hexadecimal, Btrieve, OSI Model)
The Physical World (Cabling)
Ethernet In Depth
Network Design Rules
Common Networking Mistakes
Section 2 - Application-Level Troubleshooting Section 3 - Network Troubleshooting
Network Cable Testing
Overview of Network Analyzers
Using Wireshark
Translating Traces Across Multiple Analyzers
Section 4 - Capturing Network Traces
Capturing Network Traces Effectively
Common Mistakes
Section 5 - Understanding Higher Level Protocols
Understanding SPX Communications (Not covered in class)
Understanding TCP Communications
Understanding Application-Layer Communications
Section 6 - Pervasive Packet Formats
Btrieve 6.x Packet Formats
Btrieve 7.x Packet Formats
Other Formats
Section 7 - Reading Network Traces
Examining SPX Communications (Not covered in class)
Examining TCP Communications
Section 8 - Case Studies & Examples

Course Prerequisites: Student should have a basic understanding of database access methods, including Btrieve (Transactional) and Relational access. Completing the Actian Zen/PSQL Service & Support class is ideal in this regard. A strong understanding of networking and about installing and maintaining applications in Windows is required.

We will be introducing one or more network analyzers to view and interpret network access, so a background and understanding of how a network analyzer works is a plus, but is not required.

Note: All students will be receiving some background reading information prior to the first day of the class. This information is technically part of the class and important to understand, but due to time constraints, it cannot be covered during the class time. Some time will be available in the morning part of the class to review and answer questions from this material.

Important Note for Out Of Town Students: Please be aware that this class is a highly technical class requiring a lot of background information. In order to cover the required information and still have time to review examples and perform lab work, please plan on staying through AT LEAST 5PM for this class. Students who are required to leave early for travel reasons may not realize the full benefits of this session!

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