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Implementing DataExchange

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Course Developer: Goldstar Software Inc.

Level: Intermediate

Length: 3 Days

Course Materials: 150+ page, color, printed manual with CDROM (available separately for $550)

Course Objectives: This three-day course was designed by Goldstar Software to show system administrators and application support personnel how to install, implement, monitor, and troubleshoot the DataExchange application in an end-user environment.

At the end of this course, each student should be able to:

  • Describe various options for data replication in general, as well as the DataExchange replication terminology, environment and processes.
  • Install DataExchange into a Windows Server environment and plan a replication design that meets business goals.
  • Qualify a database application for use with DataExchange, and prepare the application's data files for replication.
  • Design and deploy replication for an application's database files on both the First Site and one or more Partner Sites, using either the separate tools or the DXDEPLOY utility.
  • Initiate replication using the graphical interface, command line tools, and the Replication Scheduler.
  • Monitor ongoing replication through the active review of log files, through the Monitor application, or with DXAgent.
  • Evaluate the contents of various log files and use this information to understand or troubleshoot the replication environment.
  • Show how to properly fail over or fail back a database environment that is protected by DataExchange.
  • Use existing tools to address security, missed synchronization events, changed data files or other typical issues that can affect replication.
  • Remove DataExchange replication from an environment.

Course Prerequisites: Student should have a basic understanding of PSQL/Zen concepts and techniques, such as rebuilding data files. An ideal student will have completed the PSQL/Zen Service and Support course and understood all concepts presented therein.

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