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Btrieve Service and Support

Course Developer: Goldstar Software

Course Objectives: This course was designed to provide a technical foundation to software developers, network administrators and consultants who work with the Btrieve database engine and other related products from Pervasive Software. At the end of this course, each student should be able to:
  • Describe the Btrieve database and why it is often used.
  • Differentiate between the Client Engines and the Server Engines, and know when to use each.
  • Understand the necessary DLL requirements for the 16-bit and 32-bit Windows engine and requester configurations.
  • Determine the proper placement of DLL s in your specific environment and resolve problems which arise as a result of an incorrect file.
  • Configure the Btrieve components for all platforms for multiple applications, and then fine-tune the engine configuration.
  • Access a Btrieve database with ODBC drivers.
  • Identify the basic components of a Btrieve file.
  • Resolve status code error messages from applications.
Course Prerequisites: Student should have advanced knowledge about installing and maintaining applications in Windows, Windows 95, and/or Windows NT. Experience in computer networking, with NetWare and/or Windows NT Server experience will be a great asset, as will a programming background.
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