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Downloads for Btrieve 6.15

The following files have been made available by Pervasive Software for some time on their web site. Goldstar Software, with our commitment to helping the developers and end-users of Btrieve, has chosen to mirror some of these files for your convenience.

Note: Due to limitations of our ISP, all files have been ZIPped.

Are you a developer supporting applications on Btrieve 6.15, but having problems because your customers are moving to newer operating systems? You might be better served by upgrading to the new Btrieve 12 release, instead!

Are you an end user stuck on Btrieve 6.15 because your application is no longer supported? You might want to take a look at the new Actian PSQL v12 database engine, which offers not only substantial performance gains, but it offers support for Windows 8 and 10, as well a full SQL engine accessible from ODBC, JDBC, and more.

Btrieve 6.10 Files

  • BTR61.ZIP: Novell Patches for Btrieve 6.10c

Btrieve 6.15 Files

  • BTRNW615.ZIP: Patches for Btrieve 6.15.451 for NetWare
  • BTRNT615.ZIP: Patches for Btrieve 6.15.451 for Windows NT Server
  • WE925.ZIP: Patches for Btrieve 6.15.925 for DOS
  • BTRWINCE.ZIP: Patches for Btrieve 6.15.430 for 16-Bit Windows
  • BTRW32CE.ZIP: Patches for Btrieve 6.15.430 for 32-Bit Windows
  • CEWIN32.ZIP: Patch to Btrieve 6.15.451 for 32-bit Windows (EXE Only) (Fixes PATFIX issue on Win32 Engines)

Btrieve 6.15 ODBC Files

  • OD32V204.ZIP: 32-bit ODBC Drivers v2.04 - You must own server engine of Btrieve 6.15 to download legally!
  • OD16V204.ZIP: 16-bit ODBC Drivers v2.04 - You must own server engine of Btrieve 6.15 to download legally!
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