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DDF Utilities and Maintenance Package (DUMP) Version 1

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The DUMP utilities were created by Goldstar Software for our own use during projects working on Pervasive.SQL Data Dictionary Files (DDF's). Without DDF's, ODBC access would not be possible, and many popular report writing systems, including Crystal Reports and MSAccess would be useless when it comes to Btrieve data. See our white paper on ODBC access for more information on how critical DDF's can be! DDF's have a long history of being poorly constructed, and these tools can make living and working with the DDF's much easier.

Please note that items marked below with an asterisk (*) are designed to work with the Scalable SQL database engine only. As they, they may NOT work properly (or at all) on Pervasive.SQL 2000 databases.

The DUMP compilation sells for $175 for a LAN site license and includes these tools:
  • BldIndex: ($50 DOS) Adds index definitions to DDF's based on Btrieve file information.
  • ChkIndex: ($10 DOS) Compares index data in DDF's to Btrieve key information. Precursor to Pervasive.SQL 2000's Check Database Wizard.
  • ChUsrPwd: ($50 Win32) Changes users' passwords without making you re-create the account.
  • ConvRpt: (FREE DOS) *Easily extracts success/failure list from a VCONV report.
  • DDFAttr: ($25 DOS) *Extracts headings from DDF's; allows you to set headings en masse.
  • DDFDate: ($25 DOS) *Enables you to quickly set masks for DATE fields.
  • DDFRSVP: ($10 DOS) Scans DDF's for files/fields using reserved words.
  • DDFUsers: ($10 DOS) Prints out security & rights information from your DDF's. (Partially Complete)
  • FLoad: (FREE DOS) *Loads file definitions from a FIL file to a set of DDF's.
  • FSave: (FREE DOS) *Saves file definitions from a set of DDF's to a FIL file.
  • FPrint7: (FREE DOS) *Prints file definitions from a set of DDF's using SSQL.
  • FPrint: ($25 DOS), ($50 Win32) Prints file definitions from a set of DDF's using Btrieve calls.
  • MoveDDF: ($50 DOS) Moves table definitions from one set of DDF's to another
  • UpdtTabl: ($10 DOS) Changes or strips path information from a set of DDF's.
  • VLoad: (FREE DOS) *Loads view definitions from a VEW file to a set of DDF's.
  • VSave: (FREE DOS) *Saves view definitions from a set of DDF's to a VEW file.
  • VPrint: (FREE DOS) *Prints view definitions from a set of DDF's using SSQL.
  • VXRef: (FREE DOS) *Cross-references tables to the views in which they are used.
All of the utilities in this package are provided as-is, without warranty or technical support. These tools are always being updated and expanded as we find new ways to use the tools or determine new things we want them to do. We will strive to eliminate bugs in the functionality of any tool as quickly as possible. We will also accept suggestions via EMail for improving the tools as enhancement requests. When you purchase and register a toolset, you will be notified via EMail of any updates to the tools in that set, and you be provided with the updated code when it becomes available. Goldstar Software Inc. may add new tools to a given tool package at any time, and it is our sole discretion as to whether the new tools will be provided free of charge or will require an upgrade fee.

If you request help using a given tool, you may be charged for the support time like any other support issue. Some tools are destructive in nature and no tool should EVER be used without a proper backup of the files being affected.
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