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Goldstar Software Utilities

Goldstar Utilities & Management Package (GUMP) Version 1

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Goldstar Software's command line utilities are here! These general-purpose tools have been built to help provide fast service for client projects for years, and they are now available to you!

The GUMP toolkit sells for $75 for a LAN site license and includes the following items:
  • Breaker: (FREE DOS, FREE Win32) Splits files into multiple smaller parts, suitable for e-mailing, FTP, or transfer via floppy.
  • CountExt: ($25 DOS) Scans entire volumes for files; counts files by extension; created file lists.
  • DelDrive: ($10 DOS) Removes the first two characters from each line in an input file.
  • DelUpTo: (FREE DOS) Deletes files older than a specific date in a directory structure.
  • ExpAddr: (FREE DOS) Exports/imports addresses from/to the Compuserve WinCIM address book.
  • FileChk: (FREE DOS) Compares the contents of two directories by name/date only.
  • Grep: (FREE DOS) Goldstar's text search utility; different than the average grep!
  • Grep32: ($25 Win32) Our Grep written as a 32-bit app for more features & better performance.
  • HPSet: (FREE DOS) Sets your HP printer to the specified print mode/size.
  • MakeBat: ($10 DOS) Aids in creating batch file programs or file lists.
  • MakeNum: ($10 DOS) Aids in creating batch files or numbered lists.
  • Maker: (FREE DOS, FREE Win32) Merges file parts broken with Breaker.
  • MrgFile: ($10 DOS) Extracts info from CountExt output & reformats into pathname/file data.
  • ReadFile: ($10 DOS) Displays data from any given file in ASCII and/or hexadecimal.
  • RemFile: ($10 DOS) Removes lines containing specified text from log files.
  • ShowParm: (FREE DOS) Echoes command line parameters.
  • WatchIt: ($25 Win32) Monitors a files size and date information; useful for analyzing file growth.
All of the utilities in this package are provided as-is, without warranty or technical support. These tools are always being updated and expanded as we find new ways to use the tools or determine new things we want them to do. We will strive to eliminate bugs in the functionality of any tool as quickly as possible. We will also accept suggestions via EMail for improving the tools as enhancement requests. When you purchase and register a toolset, you will be notified via EMail of any updates to the tools in that set, and you be provided with the updated code when it becomes available. Goldstar Software Inc. may add new tools to a given tool package at any time, and it is our sole discretion as to whether the new tools will be provided free of charge or will require an upgrade fee.

If you request help using a given tool, you may be charged for the support time like any other support issue. Some tools are destructive in nature and no tool should EVER be used without a proper backup of the files being affected.
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