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+ Actian Zen v16
+ Actian Zen v15
+ Actian Zen v14
+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
+ Pervasive.SQL 2000i
+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
+ Btrieve 6.15

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Actian Database Products

Goldstar Software carries the entire range of Zen/PSQL database products from Actian Corporation (formerly Pervasive Software), in addition to our own utilities and services.

The database products that we sell and support include:

Btrieve 6.15 was first released by Btrieve Technologies, before they changed their name to Pervasive Software. Although Btrieve 6.15 was discontinued on June 30, 1999 and product support ended on September 1, 1999, we do still support this engine, and we have a few copies of this long-successful database engine in stock for sites that REALLY need it. Contact us for details.

When Pervasive Software released Pervasive.SQL 7, they bundled the Btrieve 7 database engine with the Scalable SQL 4 engine, providing the "Best of Both Worlds" to application vendors and end-users. The support of this product ended in January 2002, but some sites are still running this stalwart engine. If you are looking to upgrade from Btrieve 6.15 to Pervasive.SQL 7, we still have some product in stock -- check our Pervasive.SQL 7 price list!

The next database product from Pervasive Software, named Pervasive.SQL 2000, is also known as version 7.5. It contains an evolutionary upgrade to the Btrieve engine (from 7.0 to 7.5), but contains a revolutionary update to the relational and ODBC interfaces. Service Pack 3 of this product was known as Pervasive.SQL 2000i v7.90, with Service Pack 4 being v7.94. These service packs offer both new features and stability/performance enhancements, making the last update a must-have product for anyone running the Pervasive.SQL 2000/2000i database engines! Pricing on Pervasive.SQL 2000 was increased in July, 2003, so upgrading to Pervasive.SQL V8 is recommended. If you must have Pervasive.SQL 2000, though, we do still have some in stock -- check our Pervasive.SQL 2000i price list!

The next database release from Pervasive Software is known as Pervasive.SQL V8, and the final version is Pervasive.SQL V8.7, also known as Service Pack 3. This product line offers a greatly simplified per-seat pricing model for the Workstation/Workgroup Engines, and it has been redesigned for performance, performance, performance! See our Pervasive.SQL V8 page for details, or here for pricing!

The next database release from Pervasive Software is known as Pervasive PSQL v9. This release offers superior SQL capabilities over previous versions, and it supports file sizes up to 256GB! See our Pervasive PSQL v9 pricing page for a list of licenses left in stock!

After PSQLv9 came Pervasive PSQL Summit v10. This release added support for Windows Vista/7 and true 64-bit platforms, in addition to high-speed caching drivers for 32-bit platforms. PSQLv10 casn provide a whole new level of database performance for legacy applications. You can find pricing on our PSQL v10 price list page.

In 2010, Pervasive replaced PSQLv10 with Pervasive PSQL v11, improving performance through a true 64-bit SQL engine, as well as making the system run better on multi-core hardware. They also removed the platform indicator on the licenses, making buying these products much easier.

In 2012, Pervasive released a parallel engine to PSQLv11, but one which offers a completely different licensing model designed for virtual servers. Pervasive PSQL Vx Server 11 uses the same core code as PSQLv11, but offers a completely new licensing model based on connections and database size.

In 2014, Actian Corporation replaced PSQLv11 with Actian PSQL v12 and Actian PSQL Vx Server 12, improving developer tools for internationalization and adding a new Online Database Defragmenter. They also made the license model much more user-friendly, removing the hardware fingerprint used by previous versions.

In 2017, Actian Corporation released PSQL v13 as a replacement for PSQL v12, adding new IoT components, a new Btrieve 2 API for scripting support, a Reporting Engine, and more.

Actian Zen v14 followed in 2019, with a complete rebranding to the Zen name, more new data types, improved support for large files, SQL on Android/iOS, and more.

Actian Zen v15 followed in 2021, offering SQL performance gains, new system data options, ability to independently track record updates, and more.

Actian Zen v16 arrived in 2024, about the same time the new Actian management started to get creative with their licensing and pricing, and indeed may be the end of this storied product line.

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