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Intermediate Pervasive.SQL 2000 Programming (Relational)

Course Developer: Pervasive Software

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Length: 2 Days

Course Objectives: Intended for programmers with a solid understanding of Pervasive.SQL basics -- acquired through experience or by attending our Introduction to Pervasive.SQL 2000 Programming -- this hands-on course explores Pervasive.SQL 2000's from the standpoint of relational database application programming.

Lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises give attendees the technical skills required to implement a relational database solution using SQL, ODBC and related database management products from Pervasive Software.

An outline of the course includes:

Section 1 - Review of Architecture and Basics
The MicroKernel Database Engine
Access Modules
Processing Methods
Database Engines

Section 2 - Relational Database Concepts
Data Modeling
Data Normalization
Physical Database Design

Section 3 - Setting up a Relational Database
Creating a Database
Data Dictionary Files
Database Names
Data Source Names
Distributed Tuning Interface (DTI)

Section 4 - Structured Query Language
Introduction to SQL
Creating Tables & Indices
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
Views and Joins
Stored Procedures and Triggers
Referential Integrity
Database Security
Removing a Database

Section 5 - Using the ODBC API
ODBC Introduction
ODBC Architecture
ODBC Environment Functions
ODBC Data Functions
Connecting to a Data Source
Executing SELECT Statements
Using ODBC Cursors

Section 6 - Transaction and Commitment Control
Beginning Transactions
Ending Transactions

Course Prerequisites:
  • Attendance at the Introduction to Pervasive.SQL 2000 Programming class or equivalent knowledge is required.
  • A working knowledge of databases, including fundamental concepts of database design, experience designing and supporting databases, and understanding Data Models and Entity-Relationship theories.
  • Experience in one of three development environments used in the class (Visual BASIC, Visual C++, or Borland Delphi).
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