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White Papers: PSQL/Zen Errors and Status Codes

By: Bill Bach

The Actian PSQL/Zen database engine can return hundreds of different "Btrieve Status Codes" under normal operations. Many of these status codes are indicators to the application developer, such as "0: Success", "4: Record Not Found", and "9: End of File". A good developer will handle these status code values in their code, displaying a useful error message where appropriate.

Other status codes, however, can be returned when unusual situations arise, and these are often not handled by the application. (These are more akin to true "error codes".) Instead, the application may spit out the raw status code number to the screen in a message like "Btrieve Status 2", making it very difficult to know exactly what to do to fix it.

Of course, all of the Status Codes are documented in the online manuals, but sometimes you just need to do a quick lookup. You can find our Status Code Lookup tool on our Mobile web site, optimized for fast access from your smart phone. Point your phone or browser to to get started now!

The documents on this page contain some of the more common status or error codes, along with some suggestions on how to fix them. Of course, Goldstar Software also provides support for the PSQL/Zen database products, and if these instructions get a bit too technical for you, then give us a call and (for a small fee) we can help get your system up and running again fast!


Status Code Information
Having problems with Status 46 (Unable to Write to File) messages coming back from your application, causing users to lose database changes? This paper can help! (Updated January 2007)
Many sites fight the dreaded Status 94 (Permission Denied) and cannot figure out how to get around it. This document reviews the primary causes of Status 94 errors with Btrieve and Pervasive.SQL.
Are you plagued by chronic Status 95 (Lost connection) problems? This FAQ list details the primary causes and provides some relief!
Actian PSQL/Zen returns a Status 146 when the System Data values are being duplicated. This could be an indication that you are using synthetic time in your environment. Rebuilding the file with new system data m ay resolve the issue, but if you repeatedly have issues with Status 146, you may need to dig much deeper to resolve the synthetic time issue. (Released July 2022) If you need assistance with synthetic time cleanup, please contact us to book a support session.
Pervasive returns a Status 161 to indicate that you have exceeded your license count. This paper explains how to verify your license and address the most common issues! (Updated March 2010) If you need more licenses for your environment, contact us today!
If you just installed Pervasive.SQL V8 or newer onto a system running Pervasive.SQL 7 and you are getting a Status 2009 when starting the application, here's how to fix it!
3111, 3112
Pervasive split the older Status 95 (Lost Connection) into two status codes, 3111 (Failure During Send to Server) and 3112 (Failure During Receive from Server). This FAQ list details the primary causes and how to fix them.
If you just installed Pervasive.SQL V8.5 or newer onto a system and you are now getting a Status 8013 when starting the application, here's how to fix it!

PDFAccessing Status Codes From Applications
Are you a developer that wants a way to access status code information directly from within your application? Check out this concept! (Updated May 2009)

These documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Can't open them? Get the Acrobat Reader.

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