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Obsolete White Papers

By: Bill Bach

Goldstar Software has been providing support to the PSQL community since 1997. At times, older white papers may be completely irrelevant in the current product line, though this information can still be extremely valuable to someone stuck on an older release of Btrieve, Pervasive.SQL, Pervasive PSQL, and Actian PSQL. As newer white papers are added to our other pages, any obsolete versions are migrated here, just in case you might need the old content while maintaining and troubleshooting your database.

These documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Can't open them? Get the Acrobat Reader.

PDFPervasive Database File Rebuilding
Rebuilding files to the latest file format can often provide substantial performance and stability gains. Here's how to do it! (Last Updated 2010)

PDF Disable the DOSBOX Redirector
This article explains how to disable the DOSBOX redirector to get an old Btrieve for DOS application peacefully coexisting with a newer Pervasive.SQL application.

PDF Pervasive.SQL 2000 Backward Compatibility
Pervasive Software bills the Pervasive.SQL 2000 database engine as "backward compatible" with older applications. This paper examines the core issues in this claim!

PDF Setting up the Workgroup Engine as a Service
If you use the Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine on a server and do not log into the server every day, then you will need to configure the database engine to start as a service. This paper explains how to configure this so that the WGE works without logging in. (Updated July 2010)

[Go back to the main White Papers page.]
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