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White Papers: Actian Vector High-Speed Analytics

By: Bill Bach

This page contains white papers created by Goldstar Software Inc. which cover migrating data from PSQL to Actian Vector.

These documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Can't open them? Get the Acrobat Reader.

PDFInstalling the Vector ODBC Driver for 32-bit Applications
If you will be using the Vector database from a 32-bit ODBC application, you will need the 32-bit ODBC drivers installed. Here are the steps to downloading and installing these drivers. (Written 09/17/2015)

PDFConfiguring the Vector ODBC Driver
With the ODBC drivers installed, you still need to configure them to connect to your Vector database. This paper explains exactly how to do this. (Written 09/17/2015).

PDFComparing Queries: Vector versus PSQL
When you have your data in the Vector database, you will want to directly compare the performance of this system with your other systems. This paper explains how to compare your database engines using our SQLExec utility. (Updated 09/24/2015)

[Go back to the main White Papers page.]
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