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IMPORTANT NOTE: NovaBACKUP recently changed their channel marketing practices, eliminating our ability to obtain perpetual licenses. As such, all NovaBACKUP PC Agent licenses are subscription at this time. Other resellers may still be able to get the perpetual licenses for you.

Just because you are running your business on a few Windows desktops or laptops doesn't mean that your data is any less critical. Data backup in this environment is can actually be even MORE critical, especially for portable computers that travel around the world with you, because they are exposed to data loss from theft or physical damage.

NovaBACKUP PC Agent is your backup solution for individual Windows computers running workstation-class operating systems, such as Windows 10 and 11. It provides both data backups and full disaster recovery (image-level) backups, complete with cloud storage, in one simple-to-use package.

NovaBACKUP PC is one of the fastest backup packages around -- and this is why Goldstar Software endorses (and uses) this solution. It supports powerful scheduling, and can leverage pre- and post-backup commands to integrate with the Actian Zen Backup Agent (or BUTIL) to protect your data files, even on a standard Windows workstation with the Zen Workgroup Engine.

If you can benefit from cloud storage, the annual subscription to NovaBACKUP PC also includes either 1TB or 2TB of on-line cloud storage included with the product license, and you can extend this storage to cover all of your backup needs.

Licenses are available in either perpetual or subscription models. NovaBACKUP has removed our ability to sell the perpetual licenses, which provided the ability to continue using older licenses as long as you wish without ongoing support & maintenance after a single capital expense. At this time, we can only sell the subscription model, which requires an annual fee, but this can be immediately expensed as an operational expense for business users. Visit our on-line store for current pricing on the NovaBACKUP PC Agent product.

Still not sure if this is right for you? Contact us to discuss your exact needs so that we can find YOUR best solution.

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