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Pervasive Software's Product Support Pricing

Updated 12/12/2006
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Goldstar Software Products
Pervasive Security Solutions
Actian PSQL v13
Actian PSQL v12
Pervasive PSQL v11
Pervasive PSQL Summit v10
Pervasive PSQL v9
Pervasive.SQL V8
Pervasive.SQL 2000i
Pervasive.SQL 7
Btrieve 6.15
Support Contracts
On-Line Store
Why Goldstar Software?

NOTE: As of 12/2006, Pervasive Software has ONCE AGAIN completely revamped their support policies. (This makes three times in the last 15 months -- but who's counting?)

There are three primary sources of support for your Pervasive Software products and applications:

  1. Application Vendors
  2. Pervasive Software
  3. Other Third-Party Vendors

First, you may have purchased application support through your application software vendor. Since many applications are deeply tied to the Pervasive database engines, you should seek out the aid from your application vendor as a first step. Then, if they are unable to help, you can pursue the other options.

Second, Pervasive Software provides technical support on current products via Email and telephone (800-BTRIEVE) on their database products directly to end-users and developers. They do this through support contracts that can either be pre-purchased (contracts), or purchased when needed (per-incident, $250 each). You also have 30 days to use two free installation-related support incidents for any new database engines purchased, as well as free access to their web-based knowledgebase.

Finally, there are several third-party companies that can provide support on both current and older products, including Btrieve 6.15. Terms from different companies can vary, so you'll want to shop around based your company needs for availability, price, and level of expertise & experience. Goldstar Software currently provides up to one hour of free support time with your engine purchase, as well as limited free Email support for minor issues. We can also provide support via phone, Email, remote control, or even on-site, billable at 15-minute increments (without pre-pay if you have an open account). Goldstar Software can also provide 24x7 support coverage on an emergency basis, to cover your urgent weekend upgrade needs. Contact us for current rates or to set up an account!

Prices in the computer industry can be very volatile, and the price list provided here is provided for your reference only. All prices are in US Dollars; shipping, taxes, and other charges may apply. To verify current pricing, please contact Goldstar Software. Click here for Ordering Information or Product Return information.

Pervasive Software's 12-Month Support Contracts

NOTE: Pervasive no longer allows resellers to sell and renew their support contracts, as they now require signed paperwork for each new contract being purchased. Please contact Pervasive directly if you are interested in direct support.

The prices below are for one-year support contracts serviced directly by Pervasive Software. If you do not purchase a support contract from Pervasive Software, you can always buy per-incident support from Pervasive Software, or you can purchase support time directly from Goldstar Software, using our own expert staff.

Pervasive Software has defined three levels of support contracts, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The chart below lists the key factors in each contract. If you opt to purchase a support contract at the time of your engine purchase, you may be eligible for a discount on these prices. For additional details, please contact us.

12-Month Support Contract Level


Number of Named Contacts


Maximum Response Time (Critical Issues)
6 Hours
6 Hours

4 Hour

Maximum Response Time (Non-Critical)
24 Hours
24 Hours

12 Hours

Number of Incidents Allowed On Contract


Contract Pricing


Ordering Information

Payment options include:

  • On-Line: Visit to order products on-line from our secure storefront.
  • Pre-Paid: Contact Goldstar Software to determine the exact amount of the order. Mail your payment (Check payable to Goldstar Software Inc.) to our address (as shown on the Contact page) with the original quote or a written copy of your order. Please be sure to include all information, including version, platform, user count, and shipping method, where applicable. When we receive the payment, we will process the order and ship the software to you with a PAID invoice.
  • Purchase Order: To accept your company purchase order, we must have an open customer account set up. Please download the required forms and fill in the information requested. Then, you can mail or fax your forms with your P.O. directly to 928-833-3632. When your account is approved and created, the software will ship via the requested method. If you have any questions, please call us at 708-647-7665 or contact us via other methods!
  • Credit Card: We can accept bank transfers or credit card payments, including Mastercard, Visa, Discover Card and American Express. To best protect your privacy, credit card orders are taken as web storefront or phone orders only, so contact us to place your order.
  • PayPal: We can also receive payments via PayPal. Schedule payments to the user "BillBach" at (Format this like an Email address. We'd give you the exact format, but spammers keep sending us more garbage.) You may need to establish an account with Paypal to complete this transaction.
Credit Cards Accepted
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