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 Version Quick-Reference Chart
+ Actian Zen v16
+ Actian Zen v15
+ Actian Zen v14
+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
+ Actian PSQL v12
+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
+ Pervasive.SQL 2000i
+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
+ Btrieve 6.15

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Training Class Schedule

Goldstar Software has a number of training courses available for both custom, on-site training and open-enrollment. Here is our current schedule of open-enrollment classes. These dates and places are subject to change. Click on any course title for more details about the session, or click on the Location link to get the Student Information Kit for that location.

Course Date Duration (Days) Course Title Location
9/23/2025 3 Actian Zen/PSQL Service & Support Remote/Zoom
9/26/2025 1 Advanced Network Troublehooting for Zen/PSQL Remote/Zoom

Additional Locations and Dates

Didn't see the city or date you really wanted? Please let us know your preferred city, dates, and the number of people interested in attending! With sufficient demand, we can add new class sessions in cities around the US! (I'm particularly interested in a session in Hawaii or Australia during the cold Chicago winter...)

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