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+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
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+ Pervasive.SQL 7
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Actian Zen/PSQL Training Classes

Goldstar Software Inc. has been providing training on the Btrieve, Pervasive.SQL, Actian PSQL, and Actian Zen product lines since 1998. Our instructor has over 30 years of Pervasive database experience, and he is not just an instructor -- he is also a software developer and product support specialist on the database products! We provide course materials designed to help students understand the database products from a support perspective, providing all the tools needed to isolate that pesky problem to one component and then work with the application vendor, the network technicians, or the database vendor to resolve it as quickly as possible.

Note: Register for the three-day Actian Zen/PSQL Service & Support class at least two weeks before the class and SAVE $150!

Actian Zen/PSQL Service and Support

(Click for a full course description.)

In 1998, Goldstar Software released the Btrieve 6.15 Service & Support course, and it became an instant hit. Now, continuing one of the longest-running training classes in the Pervasive/Actian world, our Actian Zen/PSQL Service and Support course has been extended to contain loads of real-world examples to make this the best 3-day training session ever -- covering Actian PSQL v13, Actian Zen v14, and the latest Actian Zen v15! The class focuses on topics such as installing, patching, engine tuning, workstation configuration and troubleshooting, relational access via SQL and ODBC, data file internals, data file recovery, proper backup, and more. All-new material from Zen v15 has been added, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and support the latest releases from Actian Corporation (formerly Pervasive Software)!

This class is already a great value at $2000, but if you register at least two weeks before the class session, you SAVE $150!

Download the Registration Document or Register on the Web!

Advanced Network Troubleshooting for Zen/PSQL

(Click for a full course description.)

This 1-day class from Goldstar Software covers advanced topics in the area of network troubleshooting and communications that are not covered in the standard Actian Zen/PSQL Service & Support class. The first half of the day discusses network design, network analysis, and common configuration problems, while the second half provides an overview to Btrieve and PSQL packet traffic, as well as a foundation for further network troubleshooting on your own with network analyzers and our advanced tools, BtrvInterceptor and SQLInterceptor.

The cost of this class is $1000 per person. See course description for important pre-requisites.

Download the Registration Document or Register on the Web!

Implementing Pervasive DataExchange

(Click for a full course description.)

This class developed by Goldstar Software covers all of the aspects of installing, implementing, and monitoring the Actian DataExchange product in your application environment. It is also includes extensive lab work to implement DataExchange and troubleshoot replication problems. This is considered a must-have session for anyone deploying DataExchange into a production environment! (Current course materials cover DataExchange v13, but this can be updated to DataExchange v15 if demand arises.)

The cost of this class is $2250 per person for the three-day session.

  • No Classes Currently Scheduled

  • Advanced Btrieve/PSQL Data File Recovery

    (Click for a full course description.)

    This 1-day Goldstar Software class covers extremely advanced topics in Btrieve data file recovery that are not covered by the standard Service and Support class. We dive in-depth into the data file structures, revealing many secrets buried in the Btrieve file itself, like the use of data pages, key pages, and other elegant solutions to the problem of storing database information. We also utilize third-party data extraction tools and manual database repair, both of which can help you to repair a data file when it would normally be beyond repair. An ability to read hexadecimal and an eye for details are required skills for this session!

  • No Classes Currently Scheduled
  • NOTE: We have found that most people do not need this level of technical detail. If you would like to set up a custom class for your organization, however, please call for information!

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