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White Papers: Protecting your PSQL/Zen Database

By: Bill Bach

This page contains white papers created by Goldstar Software Inc. which cover issues related to protecting your PSQL/Zen database through proper backups, replication solutions, or database security.

These documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Can't open them? Get the Acrobat Reader.

PDF Selecting A Backup Method For Zen v15 Database Files
This paper covers the basics of the various backup methods and helps you select the best method for your environment. (Released August 2022)

PDF Using Continuous Operations For Proper Backup
This paper is provided to explain to you the benefits and inner workings of Continuous Operations Mode, a database feature that allows you to take snapshot backups of your data at any time. (Updated March 2010)

PDF Monitoring Your Database With Continuous Operations
This Tech Tip provides helpful information for monitoring your database backups with Continuous Operations Mode to ensure that nothing goes wrong, or that you are at least informed when the process does experience a problem. (Updated April 2010)

PDF Using Backup Agent to Obtain Proper Backups
This paper covers the use of Backup Agent (and its use of Continuous Operations Mode) to get clean database backups, or to make scopies of live data files. (Released January 2023)

PDF Using VSS For Full Backup of your Zen Database
This paper covers the setup and use of Volume ShadowCopy Services (VSS) for a PSQL/Zen database backup. (Released June 2022)

PDF Validating your Zen/PSQL Database Backups
Are you spending time to back up your data? Are your backups really usable? This paper gives you a way to test your backup soluiton to ensure compatibility with Zen/PSQL and make sure that your data is protected.

PDF Securing your Zen/PSQL Database
Security of data is growing to be one of the most commonly-asked questions. Check out this discussion of the five security features available to you with Actian Zen/PSQL. (Updated February 2021)

PDF Enabling Remote Database Administration Without Administrative Rights
If you need to access your database's configuration or monitor the engine's activity and your network administrator has not given you administrative rights, then send this document to your administrator. Once they create the proper group and grant the limited rights needed, you'll be able to configure and monitor the server directly without needing to log into the server itself. (Updated February 2021)

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