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White Papers: Optimizing PSQL/Zen Database Performance

By: Bill Bach

This page contains white papers created by Goldstar Software Inc. that discuss installing and configuring your Pervasive environment.

These documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Can't open them? Get the Acrobat Reader.

PDFVirtualizing Your Pervasive Database Servers
Virtualization is the latest hot topic in the IT industry. Read this paper to help determine if this solution will work for your Pervasive database server! (Updated December 2018)

PDFTech Tip: Is My Pervasive Database Cache Big Enough for My Data?
This white paper was released as a Pervasive Tech Tip and helps you analyze your server to determine if your database cache is large enough for your data, or if you may need to adjust some settings. (Released February 2010) You can also read the Japanese version, translated by AgTech Pervasive Division.

PDF Making the Most of the Client Cache Engine
Are you running a terminal server with lots of users? Or do you run a lot of Btrieve reports which access lots of data? You may be able to get huge performance gains by properly configuring the Client Cache Engine in your environment! Check out this paper for more information on this feature.

PDFChecking Your Pervasive Server CPU Performance
This paper details one process for confirming the performance of your core CPU on the Pervasive database server environment. (Updated November 2010)

PDFImpact Of Latency On Database Performance
This paper describes the impacts of network latency on database system performance. (Released February 2021)

PDFTesting your Network with the Pervasive System Analyzer
This article explains how to test your network's communications speed and reliability with the Pervasive System Analyzer, or via SmartScout for old environments. (Updated March 2010)

PDFSQL Query Optimization Part 1: Determining SQL Query Workload
This paper describes how to examine a SQL query and determine the workload that query imparts against the server. This is part 1 of a 3-part series on query optimization. (Released February 2022)

PDFSQL Query Optimization Part 2: Analyzing SQL Query Plans
This paper describes how to capture and understand the query plan generated by the Actian Zen SRDE. This is part 2 of a 3-part series on query optimization. (Released February 2022)

PDFSQL Query Optimization Part 3: Optimizing SQL Queries in Actian Zen
This paper describes the process of optimizing a SQL query, leveraging the query workload and plan identified in parts 1 and 2. This is part 3 of a 3-part series on query optimization. (Released February 2022)

[Go back to the main White Papers page.]
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