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+ Actian Zen/PSQL v13
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+ Pervasive PSQL v11
+ Pervasive PSQL v10
+ Pervasive PSQL v9
+ Pervasive.SQL V8
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+ Pervasive.SQL 7
+ Btrieve 12
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Custom and On-Site Classes

In addition to providing standardized classes in our training center, Goldstar Software's Certified Pervasive Trainer can also work with you to create a customized, on-site training session in your own office. This is the most economical option if you have many people interested in training, and allows us to target your specific needs directly, whether they be related to Btrieve 6.15, Pervasive.SQL 7, or Pervasive.SQL 2000, Pervasive.SQL V8, Pervasive PSQL v9, Pervasive PSQL Summit v10, Pervasive PSQL v11, Actian PSQL v12, Actian PSQL v13, Actian Zen v14, and Actian Zen v15.

Any class can be scheduled as an on-site class, including:

Or, work with us to design your own custom curriculum by picking the topics which your company needs the most, or even ad hoc, one-on-one training!

Any of the above information is fair game for a custom class, but the issues and problems relating to database engine upgrades, customer support issues, and other "non-class" information can also be incorporated. We have done many classes for software development companies to bring their technical support department up to speed, and then spend a few hours at the end with the developers in a "round-table" discussion over issues and problems they have seen. After one such class, one company even decided to hold off on their impending software release for another few weeks to address some issues which we identified -- and their product was much easier to roll out and required less technical support because of it!

Why work with Goldstar Software? Doesn't Actian know it best?

The answer is simple: The best trainers have a combination of training experience and real-world experience! Someone who can relate facts from the materials and provide a good understanding of the information is only providing half the solution. No set of materials will ever answer every question you have about a subject matter. Often, it is information which is NOT presented therein which can be just as important. Every class we provide answers to real questions for the students -- relevant to their own experiences. In addition, since we are in the field, doing live upgrades at sites across the country, we know the pitfalls which you need to watch out for -- including valuable information about bugs, problems, and other "gotchas" in the ever-changing world of networking and applications.

It's the experience that makes the difference!

We use an ancient version (i.e. Btrieve 6.15) that Actian doesn't support it any more. What can we do?

Here is one more option to consider:

Btrieve Service and Support - The Original! (Click for details)

This original class was created by Goldstar Software and provided to Pervasive Software as the basis for their own Service and Support class. As such, we still have the rights to provide this class, either on-site or in our training center. This session focuses mainly on Btrieve 6.15 (although references to Pervasive.SQL 7 are included), and presents the information in a more logical order than the Pervasive session. This class targets the network and system support personnel who must install and maintain Btrieve-based applications and networks.

This class is a perfect option for on-site classes for software developers and VARs for applications still running Btrieve 6.15. Pricing for on-site classes varies based on the number of students and the location. Call for more details.

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